Tell your story….

Whatever it is. I get it.

Don’t even need to know why.

Just stop pretending.

The bullshit. The plausible deniability. It’s so weak.

So weak. We’ll never respect you.

And I know… you think you don’t want respect, until no one respects you.

Whatever… being dense and short-sighted… that’s just how you operate.

That’s just who you are… for now.

Let it be clear, you, is y’all, and y’all is whoever it applies to.

It’s my fault, I had high hopes. But I guess we’ll just see.

Sensationalist is what they say when they’re being politically correct about people’s bullshit.

You just want attention and I get it.

Just can’t condone it. Not when it’s war.

Lil’ b…. never. mind.



Rodney Gainous Jr.
The Best Publication

Once 16 making $200K off bots, now the CEO of the best security Safe. Co-host of BeatTheOdds, the best podcast for forward-thinkers.