Why Fundraising Is Different In Silicon Valley — Michael Siebel from YC

Rodney Gainous Jr.
The Best Publication
1 min readNov 28, 2019


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Michael began by talking to founders from North Carolina.

These founders were doing too much to please the investors. They weren’t necessarily improving their business.

Investors are not spread evenly around the world.

Early-stage investors from the valley have said no enough times to be wrong.

Because seasoned early-stage investors have been wrong before, they pause and listen more.

In many parts of the world, angel investors don’t see as many deals, so many times that they have said no they’ve been right. Making many overly confident.

A valley investor is much more likely to listen to how you plan to execute, monetize, and how big it can get.

Michael says it is very hard to determine a good idea, he prefers to select based on which team is executing.

If you’ve been discouraged fundraising in your local community, you might want to consider fundraising in a larger startup community.

You want investors that are a little more afraid to say no.

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RJ /// Rodney Gainous Jr /// @RG2Official /// (424) 334–8004

Life is a game.

S/O to Lincoln W Daniel.



Rodney Gainous Jr.
The Best Publication

Once 16 making $200K off bots, now the CEO of the best security Safe. Co-host of BeatTheOdds, the best podcast for forward-thinkers.