Create your first Open CV module in C# .NET

Deepak Battini
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2018


This is my first blog to showcase how easy it is to create a simple module to work with Open CV in .NET. Most of you might have seen lots of samples written in Python, but here I would like to showcase its equally easy to use and implement open CV with .NET. I am going to use .NET core 2.0 as the project type for all of the examples, but you can choose .NET framework version of your own choice.


  1. Visual Studio installed (I am using VS 2017)
  2. .NET Core Framework
  3. Assuming that you know about C# coding


Let’s start by creating a console project and giving it a name “MyFirstImageLoader”

Next step is to add Open CV module to the project and start coding your first module to load an image and display.

Go to Tools->NuGet Package Manager-> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution and search for “OpenCvSharp3-AnyCPU”. Install the package to the newly created project

Once installed you can see the project structure like below:



Deepak Battini

Programmer and founder of passionate open-source contributor, loves to combine cutting-edge tech expertise.