Notion and the “Value of Delight”

Here’s why Notion’s clean interface is part of the genius behind it.

Senvidu Jayaweera
Tech Right Now


Over the past few months, I’ve been using a notetaking app called Notion, and it’s a pretty great software.

It’s jam-packed with features and I personally found it to be really flexible whether it came to structuring things or putting my thoughts down into Notion, I can always find a way to do it how I want.

But aside from the great features and cross-platform functionality, a major thing that I noticed when using it was how much of a delight it was to use, and as pretentious as it sounds, the user interface and design are so well done that it “motivates” me in a sense to write more and be more productive.

A Notion template by Ben Lang

Notion has a lot of options for how you want to make pages look and feel, and you can put in icons (as shown above) and more. It’s really flexible, and you can drag and drop “blocks”, which are essentially units of content/text/pictures etc.

This makes for a highly customisable experience which can be changed to suit the way you work and the way you think.

It’s a web app, with native apps on Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS, meaning that you can work on one device and then pick up on the next seamlessly (albeit the fact that an internet connection is needed in order to sync across devices, and the mobile apps still require more work).

Overall, you really should try out Notion. If you’re coming from something like OneNote or Evernote, the file structure may seem a little bit chaotic to you, but thats only because you can have it any way you like.

Notion starts off with a free plan with a 1000 blocks, a personal plan for $4 a month (can be free with a .edu or .ac email address) and a team and enterprise plan, for $8 and $20 respectively.

Links to popular Notion videos:



Senvidu Jayaweera
Tech Right Now

I like writing about tech, software, and anything else that interests me.