7 Event Trends That You Must know In 2021

jennifer lee
Event Technology Trends
4 min readApr 27, 2021

Over the last few months, technology has been full-fledgedly evolving. With the fast changing world organisation have started adapting the emerging trends. But there is still a lot to learn!

To stand out amidst the big sea of virtual and hybrid events, you must know which equipments suits the best, what skills to install, and how to plan effectively to curate a successful event in a digital space. For event professionals and venues, it is expected to continue utilizing the most with whatever they have now for not missing the sight of the bigger picture.

With that being said, I have compelled a series of trending event technology that you must know for a better experience and success results.

1- Know your event objectives

Having an event technology can help you achieve your goals no matter what event you are planning to organize. In order to choose the correct technology, you need to first figure out why you are hosting the event. Consider what is your motive and look out for a tech-savvy support that matches your objectives. Think about curative event strategies and what outcome will help you attract more attendees at your event.

2- Think about the type of event you want to host

After knowing the goals, its time to choose the type of event you want to host. There are end number of events that you can host in a virtual/hybrid platform like a conference, trade show, summits, expos, workshops, sales kickoffs, webinars, and so forth. Depending on the form of event, resources will include budget plan, enrollment, and location procurement software, interactive event options for online audiences, and event technologies to assist in broadcasting and development.

Consider these event technology trends of 2021 listed below!

  1. High tech latest innovating technology.

Event organizers opt for latest technology for essential functions, tech tools that are needed to carry out the function with minimum lags, glitches. A constant need for innovative functions in an event is something all organizers experience. Innovation is the key thing for the industry. Innovation is the root cause for any progress in any industry, even the smartphones we use today were once flip phones, with time people realized the potential and made an attempt to increase efficiency and hence innovations took place. Similarly in event industry, usage of cutting-edge technology is significant. The best way to understand the innovative approach of any company/platform is to understand the company better and observe their past state. Comparison will give you a clear idea of what the company was and what the company is. This will help you identify innovative companies/platform for innovative functions.

2. Ease of Use.

Technology should be easy to use for the organisers as well the attendees. To have a piece of cutting-edge technology for your event is a good thing, but it won’t do any good if you or the attendees cannot leverage that technology for own purpose. The platform must be easy to understand and easy to use, when these 2 factors are met you may observe an increase in ROI and efficiency. Always test the technology you incorporated well before and just before the event commences to get a better grip on it and ensuring a seamless event.

3. Satisfying the Attendees Experience.

The platform must be easy to use and easy to understand. A mixture of technology and staff is responsible for the success of the event. the experience must be seamless for the attendees. Test every component of your event before the event commences and make sure that there are no bugs/glitches which may hinder the experience of the attendees. Also keep in mind the limit for customization. Important points to keep in mind are during the times of registration, customization, and event feedback.

4. Network and Online Reliability.

One of the main problems any event organizer faces is network and Online status of the event. A downtime of internet or the website is the worst-case scenario for the organizers, because they cannot do anything about it but register a complaint. Even during minute hindrance many people will start leaving. Selecting the right platform which is reliable and network which is stable is a must for the virtual component of the event. a team of tech providers with active contacts to your ISP is another thing to keep in mind, say if any problem occurs.

5. 24x7 Customer Support.

As reliable as your event may be, there will always be attendees who will have a tough time getting around. They are also part of the event and hence for any questions and queries related to the event or technical problem a 24x7 customer support is necessary. As a matter of fact, the customer support lines should start well before the event commences to clear any doubts the attendees may have. It is mandatory to have a support line during the event as well as after the event, if the attendees have any questions regarding their activities during the event. Another to note for is which medium does the support use, audio, video and/or text. Customer inclusion and engagements depends on this factor and when included it brings creates all the difference in the event and makes it a success.

Over to you

Event technology offers event organizers the liberty to continue improvising their craft through critical tools that take the guesswork out of the calculation. Set yourself free from all the boundaries and curate a potential event in 2021 and beyond with the help of this guide and transform the event industry with these technology trends.

