How To Scope And Implement Virtual Event Technologies

jennifer lee
Event Technology Trends
2 min readApr 28, 2021

A transition is a difficult phase of an industry, especially when hit by a pandemic. The event industry had to make a necessary transition from in-person traditional event to virtual event, let us understand about it more.

  • Understand the need of virtual event. By understanding the need, you will be able to adopt to it. The market is full of providers and platforms thus to get started understanding the scope is the first step.
  • Understanding the event aim, goal, and objective is primary priority.
  • After a better understanding, measure and determine appropriate metrics for ROI. Virtual events help to get rid off several limitations that are faced by in-person events and also contribute in cutting down cost expenses marginally.
  • Provide an interactive experience to your attendees, speakers, and exhibitors. This is naturally a difficult task because to recreate an experience similar to in-person event requires synchronization of several features.
  • Execution and Implementation. After development of a partnership, it is time to understand the features and enhance the use of it. Develop a perspective of your sponsor and the attendees and incorporate the tools that will complement that perspective.
  • With every platform and provider there are advantages and disadvantages. Get a hold of the limitations and try to be creative when making those limitations non-existent or less effective.
  • Appoint heads of department, as hosting an event is not a one man show. Technical, statistical, analytical etc., crew are required for smooth functionality of the event.
  • Provide training programs for your team, for them to get a better grip and provide seamless functionality.
  • After training the important step is testing. Test all the equipment’s and run a simulation to be aware of any potential bugs/glitches.
  • Post-event activities. After the event concludes, it’s the attendees whose job is over not yours. One of the most important steps is to understand how the event went for future references.
  • Valuable Data Collection and analysis. A virtual platform collects significant information of the attendees automatically. This information is crucial for the host as it helps to develop a better attendee’s perspective of the event.
  • Insights and feedback are essentially free event advice. Knowing about their likes and dislikes help the host to prepare better for future events. Thus, it is beneficial in the long run.

