How to build the perfect App

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars." 

Aline Mary
Tech Startup


What does a startup need to make a great iPhone app?

1. A Good Idea.

2. A rockstar iOS Developer.


3. A Ninja product manager to transform ideas into features, features into specs, specs into task assignment!


4. A Designer Guru to make the app perfect!


And so it begins: hours of designing, coding, testing, QAing…. designing, coding, testing, QAing… designing, coding, testing, QAing…. User feedback…. Designing, coding, testing, QAing...


And Standup meetings of course!


It finally comes that day, the day that everybody have been waiting: The first release is ready!

It is time for a champagne or a beer. Right?


Wrong! You have to wait two weeks until the app store review board tests and approves your app.

It has to be a board otherwise why would it take so long?

After carefully reviewing your app without opening it, they approve it.

Now you have a product!!! Success guaranteed? NO.

Here comes the biggest challenge: The App Store hating, err, rating system.

Feeling angry!

All of your competitors will send bad reviews saying that your app crashes.

Then you ask your users to fight back and rate your app. Bad mistake….

Then there are iPad users…

I prefer the iPad because it has a bigger screen.
2 Stars is my first warning!

You now have to worry about user retention.


There is also people that are just mean:

Geeks have feelings too!

So, it is time to version 2.0, right?

By the time you have a new version of your app and wait two more weeks of the app store reviewing system, the users are already acquainted with version 1.0.

So imagine if you are in a hurry and you go into the grocery store that you always go to buy milk. They decided to make an UX improvement: they moved the milk’s fridge to the other side of the store to be closer to the bagel section. Now you are totally lost.

The iPhone is an immersive experience. When the user’s finger touches the screen of Steve Job’s magical creation, the world around disappears.

When you improve the UX and change a button on screen or improve the UI tweaking the colors, this is what happens:

Not even Apple is free from the ire of the users.

We must burn all the books

So get ready. You are going to get 5 stars, 3 stars, 2 and a half stars, one star. Whatever that means.



Aline Mary
Tech Startup

Product Wizard transforming ideas into Products.