Sessions Pledge App Review

Dakota Younger
Tech & Startup Reviews
2 min readMar 13, 2015

“Sessions are personalized timers for all your favorite activities you want to make habits.”

Sessions offers cool concept and attractive design but lacks two critical features:

  • social integration
  • customization

Social Integration

I’m confused why the app lacks features like social integration. Of all the apps that are out there, the challenge/goal genre is probably one of the only ones that would actually be fun/pertinent to share with friends.

Sessions seems to be getting some decent press coverage at the moment which may provide them with an improved user acquisition rate for the time being but eventually that will fade. If Sessions wants to continue to grow, it’s imperative that they create an ecosystem for their users to share their challenges with others. This will introduce new users to the Sessions app while providing an improved experience for current users by allowing them challenge others to join them and encourage one another through challenges.


Further, the app lacks the ability to challenge yourself or others to NOT do something. Though you could tweak the action by simply adding “not” before it, the selections following that don’t provide the ability to abstain from something altogether. The options for length of the challenge only range from 3 minutes to 10 hours. The options for the frequency cover the days of the week along with “day”, “week”, and “month”.

To provide an example, if I wanted to chose NOT to drink alcohol for a month. I would type “not drink alcohol” in the first topic area (where it says meditate in the image example). However, in order for the challenge to make sense, I would need to have the frequency and the length of the challenge swap places. In addition to that, I would need to be able to input custom values or at the very least the app would need to provide more value options (I think custom values would just allow the app to have a more dynamic functionality).

So- if with a few easy tweaks, the app would allow me to create a challenge like this: “I want to not drink alcohol every day for a month”. Otherwise, as the app stands now, I’m stuck with: “I want to not drink alcohol for 10 hoursevery day”….which of course would just mean I’m challenging myself to not drink at work….not really a challenge….hopefully.

