Learning NoSQL — NoSQL Database Designing

This article covers the most important topic in NoSQL as how to efficiently structure collections/documents.

Danish Siddiq
3 min readSep 24, 2019


In part-I, SQL vs NoSQL a basic concept was introduced along with the MongoDB fundamentals. This article covers the most controversial, debatable and important topic in NoSQL.

Table vs Collection

Modeling in NoSQL vs SQL:

I will try to explain a concept with multiple examples. Modeling scenarios may differ in situations depending on requirements. In modeling a schema, it must be noted that MongoDB manages documents with a maximum size of 16MB.

In NoSQL, either define a collection of nested objects or multiple collections where each contains a simple object definition. In the following few cases, we discuss SQL to NoSQL schema transformation.

Case A: User Address:

Simple 1:M transformation from SQL to NoSQL

Design Explanation:

  1. The address has been moved as an array is flexible enough to accommodate additional entries in the future.
  2. Each item in the address array has a limited number of fields, no need to create a separate collection.

Case B: Region, Country, State, and City Model — Approach I:

Multiple dependent 1:M relationships transformation from SQL to NoSQL

Design Explanation:

  1. 1-M relationships are advised to handle in a single model where data size does not increase drastically. Therefore region, country, and state are handled in a single document which is kind of a defined set of data.
  2. Cities are kept in a separate collection for 2 reasons:
  • For some countries, The number of cities is huge and this will make document size much bigger.
  • To avoid region unnecessary nested and complex modeling.

Schema - A vs B — Better Query Performance:

  1. The city collection provides wider range of options to query data from region collection efficiently and faster, based on “region_id”, “country_id” and “state_id”.
  2. Cities can be grouped easily based on “region_id”, “country_id” or “state_id” more efficiently.

Case C: Region, Country, State, and City Model — Approach II:

A perfect example of multiple dependent 1:M relationship transformation from SQL to NoSQL

Design Explanation:

  1. This schema has less nested objects therefor more clarity
  2. It is much easier for applications such as NodeJS apps to handle queries based on predefined schemas.

Schema — A vs B — Better Query Performance:

  1. B does contain redundancy but in NoSQL, performance is preferred to normalization.
  2. The data in the above example is relatively limited, but consider a business case where millions of documents are involved, the performance of Schema-A is no match for Schema-B throughput.

Case Online Users, Product and Orders:

Country and city references are ommited in the following address schema for the purpose of simplicity, focusing on M:M relationship:

Combination of 1:M(user-address) & 1:M(user-order) and M:M(order-product) relationships

Design Explanation:

  1. M:M relationship of order and product is handled only by one collection.


  1. Do not over complicate a structure by extensive nested objects
  2. (1:M) & (M:M) relationships are easier to transform into a single collection if document sizes are reasonable.
  3. Split nested objects into separate collections, either for simplicity or size
  4. Normalization is not a priority in NoSQL. Its power comes with its flexibility. NoSQL is the best option for unstructured data, its focus is on how to respond with quick throughput.

