React app using React Router V4 in Minutes…

Abdelfattah Atef
Published in
6 min readMay 23, 2018
credit: Google Images

At Tajawal, We are using react heavily and part of this experience is using react-router, before discussing react router, let’s start by getting more briefly about SPA (Single Page Application)

SPA (Single Page Application)

It’s a website that re-renders its content in response to navigation actions (e.g. clicking a link) without making a request to the server to fetch new HTML and without refreshing my page also.

In a Simple word, You don’t need to refresh or request the whole page when you click on any link

You can check this nice post for more about How Single-Page Applications Work

Now we can start with React Router V4

It’s a pure React rewrite of the popular React package and in this version, by making everything a Component


We have two modes of routing <BrowserRouter> and <HashRouter

1- BrowserRouter

It should be used when you have a server that will handle dynamic requests (knows how to respond to any possible URI).

2- HashRouter

It should be used for static websites (where the server can only respond to requests for files that it knows about)

and usually, it is preferable to use a <BrowserRouter> but if you are sure that the website will be static it will be good to use <HashRouter>

Let’s create our first react app using react router

we will create a simple application to route between Home page, About page and Team page

Create a new react application

The first step is to create a new react application and let’s call it routerapp using this command

create-react-app routerapp

After running this command you will see something like this in your app folder

Install React Router

After that you need to go to your folder name routerapp with this command cd routerapp

then you need to install react router and it’s command is

npm install react-router-dom --save

After installing react-router-dom open your folder in any editor you want.

Now we need to run our application using this command

npm start

and if this error sh react-scripts: command not found is displayed you will need to run npm install again to make sure that all dependencies are downloaded successfully.

Then you can run the previous command again npm start

After running that your browser will open with the view like this one

Now we will open the App.js file from src folder and then we will remove the code inside return function and add only empty <div></div> and also we will remove these two lines

import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';

and App.js file will be like this

Now we will import BrowserRouter, Route, and Link from react-router-dom

import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from 'react-router-dom'

so now the file will be like this

and now inside return function we need to remove the empty <div></div> and use Router component instead and inside this component, we will add a simple unordered list using <ul><ul> element and let’s add inside the unordered list some elements with <li></li> element and instead of using anchors from HTML we will use Link from React Router

Now for sure you are asking about what’s the to prop ?

<Link>s use the to prop to describe the location that they should navigate to it

and now if you tried to click on any link from the above links after running the application you will notice that your page URL will change with the to prop value that you clicked on it

Now we need to link our links with their components

so will use <Route></Route> Component to link our links with their components

now inside Router component and in the bottom of <ul></ul> element, we will use our three routes to link our links with their components

so in the above code we are using <Route> component and pass to it some props like exact, path and component

1- exact

to make the path to match actually the assigned value to it for example in team route it will be matched on /team not /team/1

2- path

inside path, we will assign the path that we will link our component with it and with the Link after clicking on it

3- component

this is our component that will display when the path name changed

now we need to create our three components to switch between them when changing path names

so we will go to src folder and create new 3 files and inside every file we will import React, { Component } from ‘react’; and also extend a stateless functional component

Home Component

and make the same thing in the other two components

About Component

Team Component

and after creating the three components we need to import them into App.js file

so now when you try to click on any route it will render its component and display it.

Now we can add some enhancements to our code

firstly we can move the <ul></ul> element to be in a separated component and add for it some styles

so now we need to add a new file inside src folder and we will name it HeaderComponent.js

and we need to import something like

import React, { Component } from 'react';  
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

and also we need to add a stateless functional component called HeaderComponent.js and export it

now we need to remove the <ul></ul> element from App.js file

and App.js file

then we need to import our HeaderComponent in App.js like this import HeaderComponent from ‘./HeaderComponent’;

then we can use it inside Router component like this <HeaderComponent></HeaderComponent>

so the final code for App.js file will be like this.

Now when we check our view now it will be something like this

Finally, the latest thing that we need to do we need to add something like condition to check if the path name in URL is not existed to display an error message

so, in this case, we will need to import a new thing from react-router-dom and it’s called Switch and we will make it as a wrapper for all our routes like this

<Route exact path='/' component={HomeComponent}></Route>
<Route exact path='/about' component={AboutComponent}></Route>
<Route exact path='/team' component={TeamComponent}></Route>

and also we will need to add a new route with a new component to display when the path name doesn’t exist

<Route component={NotFoundComponent}></Route>

and now we need to create a new component called NotFoundComponent inside src folder.

and add for it a small message 404 — Sorry this page is not found

and the component will be like this

and now we need to import it into App.js file

Now when I change path name to be anything not existed our message will display directly like this

and you can find the whole code in sandbox link


Simple React Router v4 Tutorial

