The New Recommended Way To Declare Your Jetpack Compose Dependencies

How to declare your Jetpack Compose Dependencies via the Bill Of Materials (BOM)

Yanneck Reiß
Tech Takeaways


Neon shield showing the word BOM standing for Bill of Materials. Additionally the Jetpack Compose Logo can be seen behind the shield.
Original photo by Pratik Gupta from Pexels

While the Jetpack Compose versioning was unified for a long time, with Jetpack Compose version 1.2 things changed.

From this version on, the Jetpack Compose libraries split up from their unified versioning system and moved to independent versioning schemes.

By going through this step, it was now possible to independently increment sub-groups of the Jetpack Compose library which led to greater flexibility in the further development process of Jetpack Compose.

However, with version 1.3 another change to this versioning system got introduced.

As the Android Developer Relation Engineer Jolanda Verhoef announced in her tweet regarding this topic, with Jetpack Compose version 1.3.0, the Jetpack Compose Bill of Materials got introduced:

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Yanneck Reiß
Tech Takeaways

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