Moksh Popli Looks at 5 Reasons Why the Future is All About 5G

Moksh Popli
Tech Talk with Moksh Popli
3 min readApr 1, 2019

It is only a matter of time before 5G networks migrate away from co-existing with 4G service and unleash an unprecedented level of speed and connectivity. For example, standalone 5G networks will decrease latency to as low as 1ms, increase density and experienced throughput by 10x, and boost traffic capacity and network efficiency by a staggering 100x. According to one of New York’s most respected IT consultants Moksh Popli, here are five reasons why the future is all about 5G:

Self-Driving Cars

5G is the golden key that will finally unlock the promise and potential of self-driving (a.k.a. autonomous) cars, by enabling them to capture and analyze massive amounts of data in real-time and communicate with other vehicles. According to Moksh Popli, the biggest obstacle right now with self-driving cars is that the latency is not low enough for vehicle operation. However, 5G drops latency to as rapid as one millisecond, which is a faster reaction time than the vast majority of human drivers. In this sense, 5G won’t just make self-driving cars as good as human-driven cars, but it will make them safer — which means fewer collisions and injuries.

Internet of Things

5G infrastructure will also enable billions of IoT-based devices and machines to connect and communicate — everything from home appliances to industrial equipment to surgery and medical care. Moksh Popli states “we are just on the cusp of discovering what IoT can do, and the next few years are going to be truly incredible.”

VR and AR

Currently, the bandwidth requirements for full-scale VR and AR are prohibitively expensive — and in many places, unavailable. However, 5G will change this as VR and AR make their way into both commercial and consumer spaces. For consumers, immersive entertainment is likely where they will get their first experience of VR and AR, while for businesses it will change the game in manufacturing, maintenance and training.

Remote Working

Remote working is already on its way to becoming the norm rather than the exception. However, 4G, 3G and 2G networks have made it difficult, if not impossible, to engage in streaming video conferences or collaborate with multiple participants over cellular connections. However, the astonishing speed of 5G will eliminate these barriers, and make remote working even more effective, efficient and convenient. Likewise, 5G will also have a profound impact in developing countries around the world where access to local employment is not available to many people.”

Smart Cities

For the first time in human history, the number of people living in cities outnumber those living in rural areas. 5G will unleash a wave of “smart cities” that will combine public transportation, self-driving cars, and IoT-based devices.

Moksh Popli claims 5G will also lay the foundation for smart buildings, which will operate more efficiently by, for example, lowering air conditioning and heating settings based on the number of people who are in an environment, or who are anticipated to be in an environment based on an analysis of historical data.



Moksh Popli
Tech Talk with Moksh Popli

Moksh Popli is one of New York State’s top IT Consultants