Build UI in Python using the MVC pattern


Esteban Thilliez
Tech Tavern


Model View Controller Pattern in Python

This story follows the User Interfaces series. You can find the other related stories here:

When it comes to building user interfaces, you have to be methodical and organized, otherwise, the code can quickly become unreadable, even messy.

I built my first UI without using any pattern, and when I wanted to scale it or modify it, it was just impossible because of the bad code. Then, I discovered the MVC pattern, and it makes things much easier.

What is the MVC Pattern

The MVC pattern is a Design Pattern (a way to structure a functionality in the code). It specifies that an application consists of 3 layers: a model, a view, and a controller linking them.

  • The model contains the pure application data, and is usually linked to a backend, or is the backend itself.
  • The view is what is shown to the user. It displays the data in a readable format and allows interactions between the user and the application in an easy and…



Esteban Thilliez
Tech Tavern

I’m Esteban, and I enjoy writing about programming, trading, productivity, knowledge management, books, etc! /