Machine Learning & its Types

All about Machine Learning!!!

Ansa Baby
Tech & TensorFlow


What is Machine Learning?

  • Machine learning, a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI), involves developing and utilising methods that can learn from data to enhance performance on various tasks.
  • These methods, also known as machine learning algorithms, use training data to construct a model that enables them to make decisions or predictions without being explicitly programmed to do so.
  • In other words, the machines can automatically learn and improve from data to identify patterns and make predictions or decisions
  • Applications of machine learning are diverse and can be found in fields such as medicine, email filtering, speech recognition, agriculture, and computer vision, where traditional algorithms are either impractical or insufficient for the required tasks.

Type of Machine Learning

We can classify machine learning algorithms by the nature of the training data and feedback that they use.

Different machine learning algorithms utilize various types of data and feedback to improve performance and make predictions or decisions.



Ansa Baby
Tech & TensorFlow

Senior Software Developer turned into Machine Learning Engineer | Data Scientist Enthusiast