Are You Ready For The World Of 2040?

It is not that far away.

Aswathy Prasad
Tech Titan


I am writing this article with my 4 month old resting on my chest after a long day. Has it happened to you that you keep writing about the same topic for quite some time,as if the topic is following you. I previously wrote about the same topic in Medium when I was pregnant. 4 months later, I still have this question. My daughter will be 20 years old in 2040 and I wonder what kind a world she would be living in.

We are swimming in an ever growing sea of gadgets, data and social network. Number of smart devices sold in 2013 was rougly 1500 million units, by 2020 it rose to 3000 million units.(Statistics). A middle class household in every country owns at least 2 internet connected devices. The number of devices and the ways in which you are connected to the internet are not going to reduce in the future.I am a consumer of data for a long time, yet I haven’t learnt to use social media to my advantage. A minimum of 10-minutes would slip away when I simply pick the phone up.

I have 27 apps on my phone excluding the default contact and settings app. 13 of them are are either social media or connectivity apps. That means half of the applications on my phone phone are competing for my attention. What does your statistics look like?

Photo by William Hook on Unsplash



Aswathy Prasad
Tech Titan

AWS Solutions Architect | Engineer | interested in quirky stories | writes about experiences, learnings and feelings |afraid of uselessness