Opposites Attract: A College Romance Between Order and Chaos

Short Story

Devendra Singh Khati
Echlair Verse
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2024


Sophia checked her schedule and sighed. Freshman year was already tough, and Philosophy 101 seemed like another challenge. She loved order and predictability, qualities that had made her a top student in high school. With its vague ideas and endless debates, philosophy felt the opposite of what she was comfortable with.

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

As she entered the lecture hall, she saw an empty seat near the front and quickly sat down. She took out her neatly organized notes and arranged them on her desk. Just as she settled in, the door swung open loudly, and a guy who seemed completely different from her walked in.

He had messy hair, a leather jacket, and a guitar slung over his back. He walked down the aisle with confidence that bordered on arrogance. Sophia rolled her eyes as he sat in the back row, clearly uninterested in the lecture.

The professor started talking about Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. While Sophia took detailed notes, the guy in the back seemed to be doodling in his notebook. At the end of the class, the professor assigned a group project. To Sophia’s dismay, she was paired with the mysterious guitarist.

“Hey, I’m Jake,” he said casually as he approached her after class.

“Sophia,” she replied, trying to hide her annoyance. “We should exchange numbers and figure out a time to meet and start this project.”

Jake grinned. “Sure thing, boss. How about the campus café tomorrow at five?”

The next day, Sophia arrived at the café ten minutes early. She ordered a coffee and picked a table by the window, spreading out her carefully prepared notes. At exactly five o’clock, Jake walked in, still with his guitar.

“Right on time,” he said, smiling as he sat opposite her.

Sophia immediately started explaining their project plan, detailing every step. Jake listened, or at least seemed to, his eyes occasionally wandering to the window. When she finished, he leaned back and smirked.

“You know, Sophia, not everything has to be planned out. Sometimes, you have to go with the flow.”

Sophia frowned. “This project is important. We need to take it seriously.”

“I get that,” Jake replied, leaning forward. “But sometimes, spontaneity can lead to the best ideas.”

Over the next few weeks, they met regularly. Despite their differences, they started to balance each other out. Sophia’s structured approach mixed with Jake’s more relaxed methods. They spent hours discussing philosophical ideas, sometimes arguing but often finding common ground.

One evening, Jake suggested they take a break after a long session. He led her to a quiet spot on campus where he liked to think. He took out his guitar and began to play a soft melody.

“Music helps me understand the world,” he said, looking at Sophia. “It’s like philosophy, but with sound.”

Sophia listened, the music touching her in a way she hadn’t expected. She realized that Jake was more complex than she had thought. He was a mix of chaos and harmony, much like the philosophical ideas they had been studying.

Their project came together beautifully as the semester went on, showing their combined strengths. On the last day of class, Jake turned to Sophia with a smile after their presentation.

“You know, we make a pretty good team,” he said.

Sophia nodded, smiling back. “Yeah, we do.”

As they walked out of the lecture hall together, the sun setting in the distance, Sophia felt excited. College was beginning, with new experiences and unexpected friendships. She glanced at Jake, wondering what the future held for them.

Whatever it was, she was ready to embrace it, one spontaneous moment at a time.

