Could Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Really Be the Future?

Tech Topics
Published in
6 min readJan 17, 2021


Image by yino19700 from Pixabay

As electric-powered cars continue to grow in popularity, it’s really no longer a surprise that gas-powered vehicles are going to likely be replaced entirely within the next decade or two. Most people are sold on the idea of electricity powering their vehicles, as it provides them with the instantaneous acceleration, the convenience of charging at home, and countless financial savings when compared to gasoline counterparts.

But companies such as Toyota, Hyundai, and Honda haven’t yet given up on the idea of hydrogen fuel cell cars. Do they really stand a chance against Tesla or electric cars in general? Let’s find out.

How a Hydrogen Powertrain Works

Image by MustangJoe from Pixabay

Before we start discussing whether this technology stands a chance in upcoming years, it would probably be a good idea to understand how they work first.

To start, a hydrogen-powered car has an extremely elaborate powertrain, especially when compared to an EV’s (electric vehicle’s) surprisingly simple powertrain. It’s not necessarily overly complex, but there are a total of four components making the car move. The fuel tank, fuel cell…



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