Is Technology Making Us Lazier?

Regardless, It’s a Double-Edged Sword

Tech Topics


Technology is both a blessing and a curse. On paper, technology provides us with plenty of conveniences and gives us the ability to do things that weren’t before possible.

In reality, however, it has come at a cost.

This cost is that technology has become amazingly addictive, serving as a distraction in most people’s lives. In other words, technology has made us lazy and unproductive due to its added conveniences, keeping us from unlocking our full potential.

How Technology Helps Productivity in a Work Environment

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Firstly, let’s address the common counterargument which instead claims that technology empowers us to be more productive, especially in a work environment.

According to one article, written by Sangoma, “Productive employees need instant access to business information, data, and their team; mobile-friendly technologies are a sure-fire way to provide that.”

This is a legitimate example of the many things technology enables us to do more efficiently. Having all the…



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A young, aspiring writer intrigued by the world - Loves to ramble on about technology. Get notified whenever I publish: