Email Sequences

6 min readOct 17, 2022


An email sequence is a series of emails automatically sent to specific segments of people. An email sequence can be of two types:

  • Trigger-based
  • Time-based.

At TurboHire, we created an in-house time-based Email Sequence Scheduler, which can be used by a recruiter to schedule and automatically send a series of emails to multiple candidates.

A time-based email sequence sends emails at predetermined time intervals. For example, 1 day or 2 days after the previous mail.

In this article, we will showcase TurboHire’s Email Sequence feature.

This is the global page where the recruiter can see all the email sequences created by him and his team members in his organization.

The All Sequences Tab shows all the sequences sent to the candidate. The recruiter can apply various filters and check the status of the email sequences.

The recruiters are also given the option to view and cancel the scheduled sequence.

On clicking the sequence name column shown inside the table, the recruiter can see the various candidates engaged in the particular email sequence.

A recruiter is also allowed to unenroll a candidate from the sequence.

A recruiter can also create multiple email sequence templates to use in the future, instead of creating the same set of emails multiple times. These templates can be seen in the Manage Tab shown on the global email sequence page.

The recruiters are also given the option to view, edit, delete and clone the sequence template.

Creation of Email Sequence Template

Now let’s go through the process of creating an email sequence template that can thereafter be used multiple times to send an email sequence to candidates.

The recruiter can create an email sequence template by clicking on the Add Template button on the top right corner of the global page.

This will open up the Add Sequence Template Dialog.

A recruiter currently can create a new template. As a part of version 2 of TurboHire’s email sequences, the recruiter will also be provided with some Out of Box template options to select and start with.

On clicking the Next button in the bottom right corner, the recruiter will be taken to the next screen, where he can enter the title and description of the template he is creating.

The template title should be unique, i.e. no two templates can have the same name.

In the third step, after clicking on the Next button, the recruiter can work on the emails which will be part of this email sequence template.

The email sequence template should have a minimum of 1 email and can have up to 10 emails.

The recruiter can select the days after which an email should be sent to the candidate. He can also select the time range in which the email should be sent.

An Add Step button is shown below, on click of which a new email will be added in this sequence template.

A video link is provided depicting 2 complete emails added in this sequence template for the reader’s reference.

As seen in the video there is a swap button provided between 2 emails which can be used to swap the two emails instead of deleting and adding them again in order.

In the fourth and final step, the user can set various other settings related to the sequence template, for example, timezone, and execute steps on business days.

Finally, on clicking the Save button, this email sequence template will be saved and will be visible in the Manage tab of the global page.

Sending an Email Sequence

After creating the sequence template let's walk through the steps of sending an email sequence to multiple candidates.

To send a sequence, the recruiter needs to click on the Send Sequence button provided in the top right corner of the global page.

A send sequence dialog will open up showing various fields to be filled by the recruiter.

The recruiter will be able to select multiple jobs. All the candidates present in these jobs will appear in the Select Candidates dropdown.

The recruiter currently can only schedule a sequence for up to 500 candidates at one time.

A default sequence name is provided by the system, which can be edited by the recruiter.

A CC/BCC option is also provided to the recruiter.

The second step involves adding emails in this sequence.

The import sequence template dropdown shows the sequence templates present in the user’s organization.

The recruiter can now select a template from the various template options shown in the Import sequence template dropdown which will add the emails from the selected sequence template into this sequence.

The third and final step shows all the candidates selected by the recruiter for further review of the candidate’s information.

If the information of the candidate is complete then Complete is shown in the table for the candidate. But if the information is not complete a Fill Missing Info button appears for that candidate which can be used to complete the candidate's information.

On clicking on the Fill Missing Information button a dialog appears which can be used to fill in the missing details of the selected candidate.

Finally, click on the Save button schedules an email sequence for the selected candidates.

The scheduled sequence can be seen in the All Sequences Tab on the global page.

After the sequence is scheduled, the TurboHire system sends these emails to the candidates at the time selected by the recruiter for each email.

After all the emails are sent to the candidates the sequence is marked as Completed.

Final words

This feature is going to be very useful for the recruiter in the initial engagement and onboarding of the candidates.

In version 2 of the email sequence feature, the option to set stop triggers will also be provided to the recruiter. If a stop trigger is hit, the sequence will automatically be stopped for that particular candidate.

Until then recruiters can play around with our time-based email sequence feature and further improve their recruiting process with TurboHire.




TurboHire is the world’s leading Talent Intelligence software that enables better & faster talent decisions for talent-led organizations.