8 good reasons to get a mentor

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” — John Crosby

Katharina Buiten
3 min readJun 17, 2020


As an entrepreneur, it is very exciting to create something on your own. It feels empowering. You want to be successful and know it was you who achieved it all by yourself. However, the reality looks different. Most of the great leaders and thriving individuals we know wouldn’t be as successful without the support of mentors on their way. Unfortunately, this is an often-overlooked factor. But mentors are crucial to develop the next set of responsible leaders. Having a mentor is about learning from someone you respect and look up to, who has the right expertise and experience to guide you on the journey. We found eight reasons showing how mentors can enrich your path:

Mentors are great sparring partners. You have tons of different ideas and have no clue which one is the recipe for success? Well, this is what a mentor can help you with! You can bounce ideas back and forth and get immediate, honest feedback, backed by the experience and expertise of your mentor. It’s a great opportunity to get an unfiltered opinion.

Mentors can help you establish a solid work routine. It can be very challenging to find self-motivation and self-discipline as an entrepreneur, especially at the beginning of your journey. A mentor can guide you to clarify your priorities, set the right goals and in the end be more focused and disciplined with your work.

Mentors ask the uncomfortable questions. Your mentor can help to uncover the things you do not know that you don’t know. It is “their job” to challenge you and push you into new experiences. This is necessary, so you are able to break out of your comfort zone and grow.

Mentors give constructive criticism and feedback. It is important to have someone to uncover your blind spots and tell you straightforward where you need to improve. Your mentor will give you honest feedback and won’t downplay or sugar-coat. Thereby, he/she can help you see your shortcomings and guide you to address them.

Mentors share their experiences with you. Why reinvent the wheel when you can learn from others? Your mentor has been where you want to go and can share his/her learnings with you. This can prevent you from making the same mistakes and support you in reaching your goals more efficiently.

Mentors pass on their knowledge. Firstly, mentors can help you with a self-assessment, so you get a clear picture of the status quo of your knowledge and skills. Moreover, they can support you with their expertise and insights to advance and develop your know-how. All in all, they can help you to cross the bridge between knowing and doing by passing on their skills and knowledge to you.

Mentors can be connectors. We all know that having a good network is important and a mentor can assist with broadening yours. He/she can take you to events, bring up networking opportunities, and can introduce you to new people. Certainly, a mentor can identify the right contacts from his/her network, which can support your growth.

Mentors can also provide emotional support. Sometimes friends and family may not understand the difficulties you are facing as an entrepreneur. Having an understanding and a supportive person can be very helpful in these situations. A mentor can be your go-to person to get advice on how to respond to challenges and helps you to keep going. From time to time it is important to get some encouraging words for taking your next steps.

After all, mentors want to see their mentees succeed. They help you to be your best self.

Are you convinced and want to get a mentor now? Then check out our mentors and apply for the free virtual mentorship program until Friday, June 19th!



Katharina Buiten

Sustainable development graduate with a passion for new technologies. Trying to live a more conscious life in every aspect - taking care of myself & our planet.