Surah Al-Nas: Mankind

Hassan Shahzad
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2024

Surah Al-Nas (Arabic: سورة الناس, “Mankind”) is the 114th chapter of the Quran. This short chapter, consisting of just six verses, holds significant meaning and is often recited for protection and spiritual comfort.

This article delves into the themes, historical background, and spiritual importance of Surah Al-Nas.

Text and Translation

Arabic Text

  1. قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ
  2. مَلِكِ النَّاسِ
  3. إِلَـٰهِ النَّاسِ
  4. مِن شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِ
  5. الَّذِي يُوَسْوِسُ فِي صُدُورِ النَّاسِ
  6. مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ

Translation (Sahih International)

  1. Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
  2. The Sovereign of mankind,
  3. The God of mankind,
  4. From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws,
  5. Who whispers in the breasts of mankind,
  6. Among jinn and mankind.”

Themes and Messages

Surah Al-Nas functions as a prayer, asking for Allah’s protection from the harmful whispers of Satan, known as “the whisperer who withdraws” (الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِ).

The Surah highlights three attributes of Allah to underscore the plea for protection:

  1. Rabb al-Nas (Lord of Mankind): Emphasizing Allah’s nurturing and sustaining role.
  2. Malik al-Nas (Sovereign of Mankind): Highlighting Allah’s authority and dominion.
  3. Ilah al-Nas (God of Mankind): Affirming Allah as the sole deity worthy of worship.

Through these attributes, the supplicant seeks Allah’s comprehensive protection from the evil influences of both jinn and human beings.

Historical Background

Surah Al-Nas: Mankind, along with Surah Al-Falaq: The Daybreak, is part of the Mu’awwidhatayn, two chapters revealed together for protection against evil.

According to Islamic tradition, these Surahs were revealed in response to a specific event where the Prophet Muhammad was affected by witchcraft, causing him distress. These verses were revealed to offer protection and remedy.

The Prophet Muhammad frequently recited these Surahs together, especially before sleeping, and encouraged their recitation for divine protection.

Spiritual Importance and Usage

Surah Al-Nas: Mankind holds deep spiritual significance for Muslims and is recited in various contexts:

  1. Seeking Protection: Muslims recite Surah Al-Nas to seek Allah’s protection from Satanic influences and evil whispers that can lead to doubt, fear, and misguidance.
  2. In Daily Prayers: Due to its brevity and profound meaning, it is often included in daily prayers (Salah).
  3. Before Sleep: Many Muslims recite it before sleeping to protect against nightmares and unseen harm.
  4. Healing Practices: The Surah is used in Islamic healing practices to cleanse and protect from spiritual ailments.

The Surah underscores the human need for divine protection, reflecting a reliance on Allah for safeguarding one’s faith and mental well-being.

Literary and Rhetorical Elements

Surah Al-Nas: Mankind is notable for its concise yet powerful language. The repeated reference to “mankind” (النَّاسِ) emphasizes the universal nature of the supplication. The progression from invoking Allah as the Lord, to the Sovereign, and finally to the God of mankind reinforces His comprehensive authority and ability to protect.

The terms “whisperer” (الْوَسْوَاسِ) and “withdraw” (الْخَنَّاسِ) vividly describe the subtle and deceptive nature of evil influences that can affect a person’s heart and mind. This portrayal aligns with psychological understandings of how negative thoughts can intrude and impact behavior.


Surah Al-Nas: Mankind, though brief, encapsulates a profound plea for divine protection against subtle and pervasive evil influences. It highlights the importance of seeking refuge in Allah and acknowledges His supreme authority and care over mankind. As a key component of Islamic devotional practice, Surah Al-Nas remains a vital spiritual resource for Muslims, underscoring the perennial need for divine guidance and protection in the faith journey.

Disclaimer: The author does not claim expertise in Islamic studies. This article represents his reflections, insights, and experiences to date.

Hassan is an experienced project management professional with over 34,000 hours of experience in managing engineering projects and developing products. His career, spanning two decades, includes significant contributions to tech startups and FORTUNE 500 companies, successfully launching high-caliber products. Hassan is deeply committed to mentoring teams, fostering a culture of value-driven performance, and enhancing their professional skills.

