Three new-age programming languages for C & C++ experts

Aniket Pingley, Ph.D.
Published in
7 min readMar 19, 2023

Since the creation of the first high-level programming language in the 1950s, computer programming languages have undergone significant development. Many different dialects exist today, each one tailored to a particular task. New technologies mean that even C++ experts need to expand their knowledge to include other computer languages if they want to keep their jobs. In this article, I will explain why current C++ experts need to acquire one of three modern programming languages if they want to stay competitive in the job market.

Recent years have seen a rise in the use of Rust, a system computer language. Initially published in 2010, it was created by Mozilla. Rust was developed with security, concurrency, and speed in mind. It’s a statically typed language, so problems like null pointer dereferencing and buffer overflows are caught and fixed at build time. This makes it particularly well-suited to the kind of systems engineering in which security and stability are paramount.

Rust’s primary selling point is that it has built-in security features. Unlike languages like C++, which are prone to data races and other concurrency issues, Rust does not have these problems because of its ownership and borrowing structure. The abstraction overhead in Rust is nil, so the code runs just as quickly as if it had been written by hand. For system-level computing where speed is paramount, this is a huge benefit.

Rust’s network is a great asset, too. There is a robust Rust community, and the language has access to numerous libraries and systems. This allows developers to create sophisticated apps with less effort. In addition, Rust’s popularity is on the rise, and for the past few years in a run, developers have voted it their favorite programming language.

Many studies and polls show that interest in the Rust computer language has been steadily rising over the past few years. For the fifth year in a run, Rust has been named the most beloved computer language in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021. Also, many programmers have expressed interest in learning Rust and using it in their future endeavors, as it was listed as the second most desired language.

In addition, demand for Rust is not concentrated in any one particular market. Because of its fault tolerance and low cost of abstraction, Rust is well suited for use in a wide variety of domains, including but not limited to systems programming, game development, online development, and blockchain development. Many large technology companies have begun using Rust in their live systems, including Microsoft, Amazon, and Dropbox. These developments point to the future success of the Rust computer language, proving that it is both useful and promising for programmers.

Here are some of the best resources for learning Rust programming:

  1. The Rust Programming Language book — this is the official guide to learning Rust, and it covers everything from basic syntax to more advanced topics like concurrency and memory safety.
  2. Rust by Example — this is an interactive online tutorial that teaches Rust through a series of examples and exercises.
  3. Rustlings — this is a collection of small Rust exercises that can be completed in a few minutes each. It’s a great way to practice Rust syntax and learn the language in a hands-on way.
  4. Rustacean Station — this is a podcast that covers a wide range of Rust-related topics, including language features, community news, and interviews with Rust developers.
  5. Rust Cookbook — this is a collection of code examples and recipes for solving common programming problems in Rust.

An up-to-date computer language, Go was created by Google. It first appeared in 2009 and aims to be user-friendly, productive, and extensible. To maximize speed and efficiency, Go is statically typed and translates to machine code. The automatic memory management provided by its garbage collection reduces the burden of worrying about memory allocation and deallocation on the programmer.

The primary benefit of Go is how easy it is to learn and use. Go’s grammar is intuitive and uncomplicated, making it a great first programming language. In addition, Go has a standard library that includes many pre-defined functions and packages for frequently used operations like file and network management. In this way, complex apps can be constructed with less effort and without the need for external libraries.

Go’s concurrent capabilities are another plus. Go’s in-built concurrency support makes it simple to create applications that run in concurrently. Lightweight threads called goroutines facilitate simple parallelism in Go’s concurrency paradigm. In addition, channels in Go offer a secure and effective means of interacting with other goroutines.

The popularity of the Go programming language has skyrocketed in recent years and shows no indications of abating. Go surpassed Ruby and Swift to become the sixth most popular computer language in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021. The fact that Go is so highly sought after by developers (it was rated #4) bodes well for the future of the Go programming language.

Go’s appeal isn’t concentrated in any one market or field, either. Go’s ease of use, extensive collection of pre-existing functions, and abundance of pre-built tools for frequently used tasks make it a great choice for developing web servers, writing network code, and even doing machine learning. Go’s usefulness in creating scalable systems comes from its native support for concurrency and lightweight threads. Many organizations are adopting Go for their initiatives, joining the ranks of Google, Uber, and Netflix. These tendencies indicate that the Go computer language is going places, making it not only a valuable tool for programmers but also a viable contender in the future of the IT sector.

Here are some of the best resources for learning Go programming:

  1. A Tour of Go — this is an interactive online tutorial that teaches Go through a series of examples and exercises.
  2. The Go Programming Language Specification — this is the official language specification for Go, and it covers everything from basic syntax to more advanced topics like concurrency and memory management.
  3. Effective Go — this is a guide to writing effective Go code, and it covers topics like error handling, testing, and interfaces.
  4. The Go Programming Language book — this is a comprehensive guide to learning Go, and it covers everything from basic syntax to advanced topics like network programming and web development.
  5. Gophercises — this is a collection of small Go exercises that can be completed in a few hours each. It’s a great way to practice Go syntax and learn the language in a hands-on way.

The JetBrains-created computer language Kotlin is cutting-edge. The 2011 version aims to be brief while still allowing for full expression and security. Kotlin can work with Java programs and vice versa due to the two languages’ compatibility. The syntax of Kotlin is short and straightforward, making it simpler to create programs in. Extension functions, operator overloading, and null safety are just a few of the features that Kotlin offers that Java lacks. This facilitates the production of code that is both evocative and succinct.

Kotlin’s secure characteristics are another plus. Kotlin’s support for null safety entails that references to nonexistent values are validated at build time. Null pointer dereferencing is just one of many frequent computer mistakes that is avoided in this way. In addition, Kotlin has many built-in safety elements, such as sealed classes and data classes, which help to prevent potential security vulnerabilities.

Recent years have seen a meteoric rise in demand for the Kotlin computer language. According to the results of the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, Kotlin is rapidly becoming one of the most popular computer languages. Even more impressively, Kotlin was ranked as the sixth most desired language, indicating that many developers are considering making Kotlin their future language of choice.

Kotlin is in high demand because of its usefulness in creating mobile apps, specifically Android ones. Kotlin is ideally suited for Android app creation due to its Java compatibility, expressiveness, and features like extension functions and null safety. Many programmers have already made the move from Java to Kotlin because of Google’s recognition of it as a “first-class language” for Android development. Kotlin has expanded beyond its initial use in client-side applications to include server-side, web, and even game creation. As a result, Kotlin is not only a useful language for programmers, but also one with bright prospects for the future of the IT sector.

Here are some of the best resources for learning Kotlin programming:

  1. Kotlin Documentation — this is the official documentation for Kotlin, and it covers everything from basic syntax to advanced topics like functional programming and coroutines.
  2. Kotlin Koans — this is an interactive online tutorial that teaches Kotlin through a series of examples and exercises.
  3. Kotlin for Java Developers — this is a free online course that teaches Kotlin for Java developers, and it covers topics like classes, inheritance, and null safety.
  4. Kotlin Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide — this is a comprehensive guide to learning Kotlin, and it covers everything from basic syntax to advanced topics like coroutines and multiplatform development.
  5. Kotlin for Android Developers — this is a free course that teaches Kotlin for Android development, and it covers topics like activities, intents, and RecyclerViews.

In conclusion, developers who don’t stay up with the latest programming languages risk falling behind the curve and becoming obsolete. Among these languages, the likes of Rust, Go, and Kotlin are rising in prominence for their distinctive capabilities and performance advantages. In the long run, C++ specialists who are also fluent in other languages will be more valuable to employers. These languages have never been simpler to learn than they are now, thanks to the wealth of resources accessible to students. Developers can ensure their success in the dynamic tech industry by studying these languages.

