Data Analysis Across ACM Social Platforms

Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2024

With ACM being the largest Computer Science community at UCLA, our chapter has seen substantial growth across the social media sector. We have conducted an in-depth data analysis of the beginning of the 2023–24 school year. Our reports pertained to engagement across our platforms, noting areas of improvement and celebrating growth.

Our largest social platform, Instagram, is our key medium to promoting our large-scale events. Over the course of three months (August-November 2023), we saw a 16.8% increase in our total number of followers (Figure 1). The common trends show an increase in activity after 9 AM (Figure 2), higher engagement levels for feed posts, increases in reach (Figure 3), and that our most liked posts were ones that showed our officers, as opposed to just graphics. We commonly get asked about how to get involved, and we want to reinstate that ANYONE can have to ACM events! Stay on track with our Instagram and newsletter (more information below) to keep up with what we are doing!

Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 (left to right)

Our LinkTree, which is dedicated to providing members all of our links and resources in one page, is built on consistent management and a mission to create a concise portal page. We hit peak views around time when internship applications were due (Figure 4)! We love seeing people wanting to get involved in ACM’s mission.

The click through rate (CTR) is the percentage of profile views that resulted in a link click. This peaked in Early November. Important to note, LinkTree may not be super reflective of engagement because it is not always used (e.g. newsletter descriptions give links directly instead of directing people to Linktree first). Reflecting on this information, we have placed our LinkTree in other locations, such as the ACM website.

We utilize Discord as a means for ACM committees to directly communicate with members. We have channels dedicated to each ACM committee, general announcements, and professional opportunities. Certain channels have had a notable larger number of readers, chatters, and messages. We saw an increase in Discord membership and engagement Fall Quarter. As of the end of the quarter, we reached over 3,000 members across channels (Figure 5). Additionally, we have excellent retention numbers (Figure 6).

Figure 5
Figure 6

MailChimp is our weekly channel of transmission to subscribers. We have around 2,300 newsletter subscribers. Our open rate is about 65–75% lately, which is a large improvement from Fall 2022, which was around 50%. We usually have around 1500 opens (Figure 7). Since, we have begun to test out different headliners to see if we can see even higher engagement levels.

Figure 7

We also noted a relatively low click rate (Figure 8) on MailChimp, meaning that readers of the newsletter do not click onto provided links. As a result, we have started to bold and embed our links, in addition to customizing our URLS as opposed to the simple “click here”.

Figure 8

More recently, we have set our focuses on increasing the presence of our LinkedIn and TikTok. We encourage you to follow our LinkedIn to be the first to hear about upcoming internship or board officer position opportunities and to read more about the exciting things we have planned for the quarter. In addition, we would love to see members post and tag ACM on posts relating to ACM events, socials, news, etc. As we gear up our TikTok, we hope to see you follow the page to see more ACM officer GWRM’s, days in my life, workshop coverage, tips to securing internships and jobs, and more!

As we wrap out, we would love to see you fill out our ACM census, allowing us to continue providing you with an incredible community and UCLA experience.

Do you want to learn more about ACM at UCLA? Check out our website!




Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) at UCLA. Learn more at!