Welcome to UCLA CS — 2017

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9 min readSep 21, 2017

Welcome to UCLA CS, class of 2021. You’re lucky to be at a school where the tech community is strong and opportunities are endless for CS students. Whether you’re an experienced dev who wants to work on ambitious projects, or a complete beginner with no idea where to start, there’s something here for you.

This post will give you a brief overview of all the CS related clubs and resources.

Web Focused Orgs

In these clubs you’ll be working mostly with web technologies like Node.js/Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS/JavaScript. If you’re a complete beginner, then the web is a great place to start coding since it has many broad applications.

Daily Bruin Online

DB Online explores the intersection between technology and society through various websites and projects. We build websites such as dailybruin.com, Bruinwalk, and The Stack.

Beginner Friendly: Yes. We train you in everything we want you to know during your intern quarter.

Skills you will use/learn: HTML, CSS, Sass, Foundation, JavaScript/ECMAScript, jQuery, gulp, d3, Python, RESTful APIs, SQL, server deployment

Join if:

  • You’re interested in long-term projects that UCLA students use every day, data visualization and journalism.
  • You want to be in an awesome group of web developers, designers, and software engineers.

ACM Hack

We are a student-run organization that aims to empower UCLA students to influence their world through code. We have many beginner focused events to give students the skills they need to build great projects.

Beginner Friendly: Yes, most of our events are specifically designed for beginners.

Skills you will use/learn: HTML, CSS/SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, SQL

Join if:

  • You want to learn the latest web technologies and get the skills to work on your own projects.
  • You want to be part of a community of coders who you can work on projects with.


DevX works on projects that solve problems at UCLA. Past projects include bruinscan.com , a mentorship platform and a textbook swapping app.

Beginner Friendly: Yes, there is a mentorship program for beginners.

Skills you will use/learn: Project Management, Full Stack Web Development (various technologies depending on the team)

Join if:

  • You want to improve your coding skills by working with a team on a practical project.
  • You want to build moonshots for UCLA.

UCLA Radio Web

UCLA Radio Web is responsible for making all things development related for UCLA Radio.

Beginner Friendly: We prefer people with some web or programming experience, but it doesn’t need to be with any of the technologies we use. We encourage anyone who is interested to apply.

Skills you will use/learn: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript/ECMAScript, node.js, React, webpack, Swift, git, agile

Join if:

  • You like both music and technology.
  • You want the chance to have your own radio show.

UCLA Campus Events Commission (CEC)

CEC is a student-run group that organizes free film, speaker, and concert events for students. CEC Web Development’s biggest annual project is creating the Bruin Bash site over the summer, which gets ~80k views, but there are a few other full-stack sites through the year too.

Beginner Friendly: Previous web development experience is helpful, but also apply if you want to learn! CEC is supportive.

Skills you will use/learn: Front-end and/or back-end web development (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, etc), data analytics. CEC also has a Print (design) department and Media Production department if you want to develop those skills.

Join if:

  • You’re interested in entertainment; CEC has many resources and connections.
  • You want to join a fun, close-knit, well-rounded group of mostly non-engineers.

Specialized Orgs

These clubs each focus on a specific CS subfield or technology. If you’re curious about something specific, check out the relevant club here.

ACM Artificial Intelligence

ACM AI aims to nurture curiosity and enthusiasm in artificial intelligence and machine learning. We host workshops and events to help you learn the latest AI technologies.

Beginner Friendly: Probably not — you should know how to code and be familiar with basic algorithms and data structures. Basic calculus would be useful. Knowledge of Python would be a huge plus.

Skills you will use/learn: AI, Machine Learning, TensorFlow

Join if:

  • You want to build an AI and takeover the world.

ACM Interactive Studio

Interactive Studio is focused on using games and VR as a medium of creativity and expression. We want to help students learn the tools and skills necessary to create exciting experiences as well as provide a space to find teammates to work on year-long projects.

Beginner Friendly: Yes, extremely beginner friendly. No prior experience needed. We hold workshops in Fall to teach newcomers the basics of Unity for game/VR development.

Skills you will use/learn: Unity (a 3D game engine) with C#, Maya/Blender (3D modeling programs), Photoshop, game/VR design concepts

Join if:

  • You’re interested in creating games or VR experiences.
  • You want to use programming to build creative projects.
  • You’re interested in learning the art that goes into 2D or 3D design.
  • You’re interested in level design or creating unique mechanics.

ACM NetSec

NetSec is the place on campus to learn cybersecurity. Our officers and members work together to learn about a range of topics related to the security of various systems. We attend Capture The Flag competitions, learn about common security exploits/pitfalls and how to avoid them, and educate others about current events and their personal cyber security.

Beginner Friendly: Yes, we have a specialized beginner track called Personal Security. We also have two other tracks for students with more experience (although they are also beginner friendly). This quarter those two will be Web Security and Capture The Flag (CTF).

Skills you will use/learn: Unix/Linux, Bash, Kali Linux, GDB, Steganography, Cryptography, Personal Security*, Threat modeling, Express, SQL, XSS, Web Sessions, Forensics
*Includes password managers, password hashing, 2FA, Wireshark, MITM attacks, current events

Join if:

  • You like breaking things.
  • You like fixing things.
  • You like being a l33t hacker, or you want to become one.


ICPC is an academic sport where teams of three students work together to solve the most algorithmic problems in the shortest amount of time. As a club we teach algorithms, hold training sessions, and prepare for the regional ICPC competition in the middle of Fall Quarter. In the Winter and Spring, we hold an algorithms bootcamp and organize a local programming competition for UCLA undergrads.

Beginner Friendly: A good working knowledge (loops, conditionals, functions, arrays etc.) of your favorite programming language is required. No algorithm experience is necessary though.

Skills you will use/learn: algorithms, data structures, problem solving, writing code quickly, technical interview skills

Join if:

  • You enjoy competitions and thinking about hard, interesting problems.
  • You want to practice data structures and algorithms.
  • You want to do well in technical interviews.

Linux User Group (LUG)

We are a student run group of Linux advocates and users. You will learn a lot about Linux in 35L and it is heavily used in industry. Feel free to drop by our lounge at Boelter 3820 any time.

Beginner Friendly: Yes, everyone is welcome.

Skills you will use/learn: Linux, computer networking, and other geeky things

Join if:

  • You use or want to use linux.
  • You’re trying to figure out how to exit vim.
  • You want to check out our server rack or help us migrate our servers.

Multidisciplinary Orgs

These clubs involve a wide variety of skills and technologies. If you want to dabble in different technologies and explore new things, you should check them out.

Creative Labs

Creative Labs was created to merge the designers, developers, and creatives of UCLA into one club. We host quarter-long project teams, workshops, and speaker events.

Beginner Friendly: Yes, for some projects and all workshops. A couple projects require specific skill sets that are project-dependent.

Skills you will use/learn: UI/UX Design, JavaScript, Web Development, Photoshop, Lightroom, Sketch, Teamwork, AR/VR, Audio Making and more

Join if:

  • You want to expand your skills past the classroom and collaborate with other UCLA designers, developers, and creatives.

LA Hacks

LA Hacks is one of Southern California’s biggest hackathons, bringing over 1000 students to Pauley Pavilion for 36 hours of innovation, creativity and execution. Such a large event is only possible through the efforts of a fantastic organizing team. This ranges from people working in Sponsorships, Finance, Hacker Experience, Dev and much more. This team grows to become your family for the entire year, going through ups and downs like you’ve never experienced before, all to climax into one hell of an event.

Beginner Friendly: For most of our developer focused projects we would like to see prior experience in frontend technologies (from basics to frameworks), backend web development and/or mobile/VR experience. This therefore requires an intermediate level of knowledge, but we are always open to beginners that can show that they can learn quickly and get working.

Skills you will use/learn:
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JS (React)
Backed: Golang
Services: Python, C++, essentially anything that could contribute to a meaningful service that integrates well with the core backend

Join if:

  • You want to experience what it’s like to make hackathons happen.
  • You want to build the forefront of technologies for the hackathon experience.
  • You want to get out of your comfort zone and try different roles.

Electric Engineering / Hardware

If you’re tired of staring at a computer screen all day and want to try out some hardware projects, these EE clubs are a great place to start.


We strive to provide meaningful, hands-on experience in the fields of electrical and computer engineering. Every year, we offer three year-long, project-based curricula where students learn and apply skills on multiple projects. In addition to our projects, we host a variety of workshops throughout the year that touch on concepts beyond the classroom, and host multiple socials to build a great team culture.

Beginner Friendly: We are beginner friendly, and welcome people of all skill levels and majors. Our OPS curriculum is our exclusive beginner program designed to give students their first steps into the world of electrical engineering. Our other two curriculum — MicroMouse and Advanced Projects, are designed for more experienced students, but also welcome anyone who’s willing to try.

Skills you will use/learn: Breadboarding, soldering, Arduino/microcontrollers, signal-processing, 3D modeling and printing, schematic and PCB design, embedded programming, communication protocols, circuit theory

Join If:

  • You want to apply theories and concepts learned in the classroom to practical projects.
  • You’re interested in any of our workshops that touch on concepts beyond the classroom.
  • You’re looking for like-minded individuals and lifelong friends.


We are a technical advocacy group for women and minorities in Electrical Engineering, operating as a branch of IEEE’s WIE (Women In Engineering). We empower both students at UCLA and younger girls in our community.

Beginner Friendly: Yes, every workshop is beginner friendly and members will have the freedom for creativity.

Skills you will use/learn: basic circuits, career tips, managing a healthy school life balance

Join If:

  • You want to inspire others, tinker with EE and network with industry professionals.
  • You want to make friends who share your interests.

Beyond Coding

These clubs are less focused on coding and more on the other things you need to succeed in the CS world like career development, networking and entrepreneurship skills.


The main focus of ACM-W is to increase diversity and inclusion, and support everyone who is interested in computing. We host a couple of corporate events and have a Distinguished Speaker Series. The other two big things that we do are the mentorship program and organizing the Women Engineering Stayover Program. Even though we have a W in our name, our events are open to everyone.

Beginner Friendly: Yes, we are open to everyone.

Skills you will use/learn: career tips, networking, diversity and inclusion

Join If:

  • You want to meet some awesome mentors.
  • You want career development help.
  • You care about increasing diversity in tech.
  • You’re interested in CS but don’t know where to start.

Bruin Entrepreneurs

Bruin Entrepreneurs is the premier entrepreneurship club on campus. Our goal is to encourage and grow entrepreneurship in our members through a variety of different outlets. We have a myriad of opportunities for students to get involved with entrepreneurship on campus, and we offer all the resources to do so. We strongly believe any person can be an entrepreneur, and we’re here to help on that journey in any way we can.

Beginner Friendly: Everyone is welcome, and we encourage new people to always come by.

Skills you will use/learn: Pitching and Pitch Decks, Getting Funded, Building a Business Plan, Branding, Team Building, Interacting with VC’s, How to Launch a Product, Design Thinking, Guide to Startup incubators and accelerators, A/B Testing, SEO, Lean Startup, Networking

Join if:

  • You are passionate about your ideas.
  • You like to try new things.
  • You want to make an impact.


These clubs provide tutoring and review sessions that will help you succeed in the classroom.


UPE is the CS honors society. They provide tutoring for all CS classes.

Tutoring Schedule: https://upe.seas.ucla.edu/tutoring/


HKN is the EE honors society. They provide tutoring for lower div CS classes.

Tutoring Schedule: http://hkn.ee.ucla.edu/


TBP is the Engineering honors society. They provide tutoring for engineering classes like Physics and Math.

Tutoring Schedule: https://tbp.seas.ucla.edu/schedule/

Upcoming 0 Week Events

Engineering Welcome Day

EWD is a good opportunity to interact with the clubs mentioned above and much more.

Date: Wednesday, September 27th. 10AM — 1PM

Location: Ackerman Grand Ballroom

Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/134582867160965/

MentorSEAS Mixer

MentorSEAS is an invaluable opportunity for mentorship from older CS students.

Date: Wednesday, September 27th. 2PM — 3:30PM

Location: Lakretz 110 (CS/CSE specific)

Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1707919519517820/

Enormous Activities Fair

This event will give you a chance to see all of the clubs at UCLA. It’s a good idea to join clubs outside of CS to explore your interests.

Date: Tuesday, 26th September. 11AM — 3PM

Location: Royce Quad

Event: https://www.truebruinwelcome.ucla.edu/enormous-activities-fair

