7 Tips to Help You Boost Your Blogging Productivity

Tanja Trkulja
Published in
5 min readJan 10, 2018

Learn how to improve your performance and write engaging blog posts.

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In order to keep your blog running and fill it up with interesting and helpful topics, you really need to hold onto your seat on a productivity train. However, not every day (or the topic) is the same, and sometimes, it may just happen that your creative juices aren’t flowing the way you’d like them to. This can be an underwhelming moment for you as a writer, but the truth is that everyone feels that way sometimes. The important thing is what you can do to overcome this, and even boost your blogging productivity efficiently.

Plan your goals and act on them

In order to make things easier for yourself and a lot more functional, you should always come up with an effective plan for your whole blogging career. Essentially, just like you would have smaller stepping stones on your journey to lose weight or get the beach body, find out what your stepping stones (smaller reachable goals) for your blog are. Don’t forget to write this down. Once you brainstorm your ideas and see the road to success clearly in your head, and on the paper (or screen), you’ll be able to organize yourself better and actually start actively working on the first goal you’ve assigned for yourself. When you focus on a specific goal at a time and avoid getting overwhelmed with too many things at once, you’ll be able to boost your blogging productivity and stay focused.

Break your goals into tasks and keep track of them

Even the first stepping stones need their own to-do lists. In that respect, you want to break your goals into tasks, so that you can deal with them accordingly. The bigger and more important tasks should come first on your priority list, so that you effectively avoid stress and pressure that are known as main productivity foes. There are plenty of productivity, organizer-type apps that you can use, such as Trello for example, that can help you stay on the right track and complete the tasks the way you planned in the first place.


Find a routine that works for you

The great thing about blogging is that you really don’t have to make compromises. While you should publish new posts consistently, the consistency is up to you. If you want to boost your blogging productivity, don’t force an impossible schedule upon yourself. Adjust it to your own lifestyle, so that you can effectively finish all the tasks and enjoy what you’re doing. Your blogging routine is something that you get to choose, so choose it wisely and make the most of this choice.

Avoid writer’s block by writing down your ideas

Writer’s block is something that happens to everyone in the writing field. So don’t beat yourself up too much about it when it happens to you. However, there’s a way to overcome this unfortunate aspect of blogging’s journey before it even happens to you. Essentially, all you have to do is write down all the ideas that come to you on a regular basis. You may want to bring a notebook and pen with you wherever you go, or install an app on your phone that will allow you to make notes as well. Either way, utilize every moment when inspiration strikes so that you can effectively combat those when it doesn’t.

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Don’t forget about post-publication schedule

You may be wondering what’s there left for you to do once you finally write and publish a new blog post, but your tasks for the day are still not finished. For example, you should definitely share your new post on your social media channels, maybe add this post to your email newsletter, syndicate your content as well as engage with your readership. Some tasks can be automated, but it would still be the best to keep a checklist reminder close to you, so that you never forget to complete these post-publication tasks as well.

Avoid distractions completely

You don’t need to check your Facebook or Twitter while you’re working on your blog. If you want to boost your blogging productivity, you’ll definitely have to shut down all other distractions that can break your focus. Once you decide to commit to writing a blog post or making infographics, you should focus on those tasks only. Distractions are not lurking online only; remember to turn off your TV, and maybe put your phone on silent while you work. Of course, if you don’t really like working completely noise-free, you can always play inspirational, or music that actually boosts concentration.

If you need and can outsource some tasks, do it!

If you couldn’t find a way to achieve it all, the truth may be that you just tried to shoulder too much work on your own. In case it’s possible, outsource some of your tasks by hiring a freelancer or a professional company such as TechBear to assist you. Of course, you may just need to take a different approach, but it’s still important to be aware of your own capabilities; even if you can manage everything by yourself, if it takes away all your free time, you just may end up completely burned out, with the desired productivity boost out the window. Know when you need to slow down if you want to keep blogging consistently, passionately and successfully.

No one says that blogging is easy, but it definitely shouldn’t make you feel miserable. Do you have some of your own tips to stay productive when blogging?



Tanja Trkulja

Content writer at TechBear, nature and written word enthusiast, avid anime watcher, a Hufflepuff, and a Whovian.