Benefits and How-Tos of Using Inbound Marketing for Business

Tanja Trkulja
Published in
5 min readMay 14, 2018

Inbound marketing is one of the most powerful forms of online marketing today, so don’t hesitate to make the most of it for your own business efforts.


If you want to improve your SEO as well as your overall marketing efforts online, it’s essential that you also work on using inbound marketing for business. It’s true that this particular form of marketing takes time and effort but then again there’s absolutely nothing that can compare to the efficiency when your ranking and credibility is concerned. So, what is there to know about inbound marketing? Keep on reading to find out.

What exactly is inbound marketing?

If you’re new to marketing your business online, you may be under the wrong impression that the only way to market your brand is with paid ads. However, there are plenty of other, more effective options out there. Of course, you should always strive to utilize as many marketing channels and strategies as possible, but inbound marketing can make you an expert in your own niche. Therefore, you need to be consistent and persistent when it comes to your content. Essentially, you have to publish plenty of meaningful, informative and fresh content that your audience will love to check out and actually look for. Also, you should place this content right in front of your audience. This is where inbound marketing can help you.

How to place your content in front of your audience?

There are several ways you can make sure that your audience actually sees your quality content. The first thing to do is to create a blog. You have to be very consistent when it comes to publishing content on it. This will affect your SEO as well. Don’t forget to seek guest blogging opportunities, too. The posts you publish on your blog can be shared on social media. This is where you need to check the best posting times as well as engage your social media audience. Retargeting options and Facebook pixel are essential additions to your marketing practices. Also, your business needs a proper landing page. When creating CTAs to generate more leads, you have to give them something in return. This is where your finest content creations can come in handy as well.

Using inbound marketing for business and SEO

The techniques of using inbound marketing for business as well as content creation will affect your site’s SEO but some of the SEO requirements will also affect your marketing efforts. For example, if you plan to create content, you need to find the best possible keywords to create content around them. Similarly, if you post new content regularly, Google will make a note of that, you’ll successfully boost your SEO and your search result rank will go up. It’s worth mentioning that the more backlinks you gather, the better your position will be as well.

Brand it all together

It’s very important that you make sure that whenever they stumble upon your content, the viewers actually know it’s yours. When it comes to your blog and website, it’s essential that you make use out of internal linking. Your site visitors should be able to navigate the site and move between different pages with ease. Also, your brand’s logo and graphics will be of utmost importance when sharing your content on social media. Never forget to include these with your content posts together with the link to your website or your landing page.

The workings of inbound marketing

In general, traditional types of marketing strategies are outbound. This means that you reach out to your potential leads without them asking for it. Of course, when it comes to successful marketing, there’s no way around this. However, you can add inbound marketing to your strategies and build a close relationship with your target audience. Essentially, using inbound marketing for business allows you to connect with your leads. You’ll be able to draw their attention with the constant flow of meaningful and useful content you provide them with. It may take some time, but as they get to trust your expertise and skill in the industry, your leads will come back to you on their own accord.

How to use inbound marketing?

The most important thing to consider when choosing inbound marketing as your strategy is the individual approach. Essentially, you have to analyze and assess all your individual leads in order to effectively cater to your entire target group. Once you do that, you can offer them content that will be interesting to them particularly. In that respect, you need to focus on delivering clear solutions to your very specific target audience that also has very specific demands. Blogging is a sure way to achieve this. You can also utilize your email marketing in a similar manner. This will allow you to subtly include your call-to-action without coming off as too eager to persuade and engage them.

How to convert leads with inbound marketing?

Once you have a loyal leads base that follows your blog posts and even social media pages, engages in communication on their own and seems genuinely interested in your business, you can take the opportunity and introduce a bolder call-to-action. Encourage them to visit your landing page and take the necessary action. When it comes to converting new clients you will have a lot more success by presenting your offers to the market that actually supports your business and enjoys your content.

Pinpoint your ideal client persona

Before you start anything else, you have to know what kind of people you want to work with and attract. This is one of the basic inbound marketing steps for your company because it will help you move forward. Essentially, you need to know what type of a client your content is going to attract. That being said, you have to think of the client demographic so that you can pinpoint an ideal client persona for your particular business. Once you have that knowledge, the next step, which is the already mentioned content creation, will proceed smoothly.

So, run a consistent blog then

Once you have your ideal client persona figured out, it’s time to start a blog. Your business will benefit a lot from consistent and valuable blog posts on topics that you know a lot about. This will help you brand your company, as well as attract the right audience. Since they’ll come looking for what you have to offer on their own, you’ll increase the chances of conversion significantly. Moreover, a consistent blog with well-fused, relevant keywords will boost your SEO and position in the search results as well.

Start an inbound marketing campaign

In the end, one of the most important inbound marketing steps for your company is to actually create a proper inbound marketing campaign. This means that you have to focus all your marketing efforts and channels on one goal and one specific offer. You should take the time to carefully decide on the said offer and the goal that you expect to achieve. Since inbound marketing is based on quality content, you should consider what your ideal client persona is most likely to want and download. Once you launch the campaign it’s very important that you set a specific time frame to track your success.



Tanja Trkulja

Content writer at TechBear, nature and written word enthusiast, avid anime watcher, a Hufflepuff, and a Whovian.