Benefits of Videos and Video Marketing for Any Business Online

Tanja Trkulja
Published in
8 min readMay 16, 2018

If you want to engage your target audience and make your online presence known, employing video marketing is truly a great strategy!


4 trillion videos are viewed daily on YouTube. There are about 800 million unique visits per user every month. For this reason, creating your own YouTube channel and starting to apply this excellent video marketing strategy is rather fundamental and necessary for your online presence and effective business branding. This kind of resources is very used nowadays, especially to promote products/services and generate interaction with the community by offering valuable content. But what if you apply it to your personal brand? If you have a company or want to promote your work profile, videos and video marketing strategy can be a great tactic. It is not necessary for you to become a YouTuber. Simply sharing useful videos on your social media and website can result in an incredible reach. It’s not a coincidence that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all allow users to broadcast live videos.

It is not easy to get in front of a camera and break the ice, but we can assure you that you will reach your followers much better if you speak directly to them, in the first person, and offer them fresh, interesting content that meets their needs or solves their problems. Here are some key practices so you can start using this technique.

The benefits of using videos on your website

An effective introduction

Nowadays, people don’t really enjoy reading too much text and especially not when that text is on the screen. In that respect, a website video and video marketing, in general, can be a great alternative that would interest your visitors. You can use this video to introduce yourself, your brand and ideology as well as present your products and services. This is extremely effective in case you’re selling something that needs a thorough explanation.

Better rankings

You may still not be aware of this but Google search results favor website pages with video content. That being said, uploading videos to your website and optimizing them for Google search can definitely provide you with a higher position in search engine results. What’s more, a video in Google search can differentiate your business website from the rest. In the end, the potential customers will be drawn to your video content rather than some plain text.

Engaging experience

Using video on your website can improve the overall user experience and generate more traffic and revenue. You should consider the page position and video content before you just rush the upload. In general, any type of introduction would be good for your homepage. On the other hand, for pages where you present your products and services, you should use videos that match the said purpose. If you’re running a blog as well, the videos should be related to the topics of your blog with some extra meaningful info.

Website videos add personality

People love to support the brands that seem friendly, open and warm. By using video on your website, you’ll be able to reduce the feeling of a cold corporate business. Catering to your customers in this manner can only increase your brand consistency and popularity. Also, this is a great way to show that you value all the input and feedback from your loyal customers. You can use the customer interviews, your company at work as well as your own personal story to evoke an emotional response in your website visitors.

How to use videos and video marketing strategy?

It’s essential that you know your audience

In order for your video strategy to work, you need to analyze and understand your target audience. In general, if you want to benefit from videos and video marketing strategy, those videos need to convey a straightforward and clear message to people you’re targeting. Therefore, it’s important that you consider your audience when making a video. The social media pages they use, their interests, their biggest influences, etc. are just some of the key factors that you need to address.

Videos should solve problems

It’s natural that you want to present your company in the best possible light with your video. However, if you don’t provide a solution to potential candidates’ problems, even the most advanced video marketing strategy won’t work. In order to present yourself and your business in a positive manner, make sure to address various issues and concerns your audience has. The point is, you need to bring some great solutions to the table and present your company as a business that cares. In that respect, this type of video should always be customer-oriented.

Provide your audience with valuable content

A great video in your marketing strategy means that you need to give your potential candidates what they want. Focus on engaging and meaningful topics that are hot news in the industry at the moment. On the other hand, re-purposing your older content that generated plenty of traffic can come in handy as well. Use the topics that were popular before as a smart direction to take your video message in. Moreover, if there’s something interesting going on within your company, feel free to share the news in your video, too.

What you need to keep in mind

Apart from engaging content that’s specially catered to your potential customers, there are other key points to consider as well. For example, using videos and video marketing properly means that the videos should be relatively short, straight to the point and attractive to watch. Don’t forget to include your brand logo. Make sure that this video clearly showcases your company. What’s more, it would be really beneficial to add a personal touch to your video. In general, your audience is more likely to respond to something they can relate to. As mentioned, breaking the corporate image wall can make all the difference. Using video is definitely one of the best ways to achieve this.

Video marketing is your branding’s ally

Best video marketing practices:

Investigate. Are there video marketers in your niche? What kind of videos do they make? What platforms do they broadcast on? How does the audience react?

Set clear objectives. Know exactly why you want to set up a video channel. You need a clear objective, a definite and realistic goal.

Look for a good camera. You may want a professional camera, but if your budget is not that great, a smartphone camera can be just as effective, especially considering the recent releases.

Create a promotional video before starting your personal campaign. In this video, you can offer some information to your followers, announce the day you will upload or broadcast your first video, and why your followers shouldn’t miss it.

Great title. Place an attractive, descriptive title with keywords.

Publish your video on different social media channels. Leave the link to your video or upload it directly to these channels. This way you can increase the number of shares and views.

Interact with your community. Did you like the video? What do you think? Tell us your experience/opinion, if you want to give us a like. This is how you ask for a reaction.

Use tags and hashtag. Essentially, make sure that your video is positioned in the search engines (if you upload it to social networks you can add tags and hashtags as well).

Choose an attractive image as a thumbnail. If you can design it with the included title, even better.

Make sure you make a video of good quality. The image is clear and the sound has no interruptions.

Videos and video marketing mistakes to avoid:

Lack of planning. A common mistake is to try and make a brand without actually knowing what you want to convey or do. You must plan your objectives, know your purpose, prepare the filming place for your videos and video marketing strategy and rely on a brief, rehearsed script.

Not properly targeted. Basically, the people who see your videos are not the ones you initially wanted to attract. Put yourself in the place of your potential clients or followers. What habits and preferences do they have? Finally, make sure that you market and prepare video content that will attract your ideal target audience.

Publishing very commercial content. Remember that both your articles and videos must offer valuable information to your users. These should be focused on resolving questions and doubts.

Not using Storytelling. Nowadays, this implies the lack of emotional connection between the content and the viewer. Include your emotions to a certain degree.

Too many effects and images. Check with your colleagues and friends whether the video content is easy to understand and follow. You definitely don’t need overshadowing in this case.

Too long and boring. Videos that are too long and/or do not engage with the followers are those that tend to be quickly abandoned.

Poor technical aspect. Make sure that the lighting is effective; both image and sound have to be clear. Avoid ambient noise but make sure that the music you add doesn’t actually cover your voice.

Basic video content ideas


Using video to present positive feedback from your customers is a great way to market your company. After all, hearing the customer’s voice and praise can work a lot better for the testimonial part of your website since people will be able to relate and understand the satisfaction from choosing you. What’s more, a video leaves more room for a detailed testimonial. Make sure to utilize this so that your customers can add their own story and particular issue you helped them with.

The process

One of the most interesting videos and video marketing content types that you can present to your target audience is how you do your business. There are many different business industries and this makes the whole story that more interesting. People actually want to learn more about things they don’t know much about, but they also don’t want to go to extreme lengths to do so. However, the majority of people will gladly get some more knowledge on services that they actually need. That’s why this form of video marketing content is so important and effective.

Close the corporate gap

In order to give your company “a face” and bring it closer to your audience, why not use video marketing to feature your company’s employees? That way, the viewers will get the chance to learn more about the force behind your business. Also, this is a great chance to present workers who are actually going to “connect” with your prospective clients. through products/services. The possibility to introduce your employees to your clients through video is definitely something that you should consider if you want to establish a stronger connection with your target market.

How-to videos

In case your company makes various types of products and sells them, how-to videos make for a great video content idea. Essentially, you have the opportunity to showcase and promote your new products as well as explain how they work and why they are more effective than other similar products on the market. Explanatory videos are more effective than instruction booklets or even guidelines in PDF format. After all, watching someone else operating the product makes it a lot easier to understand what you should do as well.



Tanja Trkulja

Content writer at TechBear, nature and written word enthusiast, avid anime watcher, a Hufflepuff, and a Whovian.