Blogging Generates More Leads So Learn How to Use It and Optimize Your Blog Posts

Tanja Trkulja
Published in
5 min readApr 18, 2018

To attract your target audience and turn them into warm leads, you need to offer them some value first. The best way to do so is to create informative and meaningful content for your company blog posts.


TechBear has already written about the importance of a company blog for your online visibility. Essentially, blogs are cost-effective; blogging can differentiate your company from the rest, cater to a specific niche, improve your SEO, strengthen your authority and clearly show your brand’s message. That being said, it’s time to focus on how blogging generates more leads and completely transforms your lead generation efforts. In general, creative and meaningful content is a cornerstone of your online presence and every digital strategy when it comes to attracting prospects. Of course, you have other channels that you use for digital advertising but it’s the regular blog posts that make those channels fully successful. In that respect, it’s also essential that you properly optimize your company blog posts.

Publish fresh blog content on a regular basis

This is not a myth. The more regular you are with your content update, the better results you’ll be able to see. Essentially, if you publish your blog posts more often, your SEO will improve and at the same time, your traffic will improve. This is how blogging generates more leads as well. You don’t have to post new content every day although that would be extremely beneficial. Posting about two new articles every week will be enough to show positive results after a while.

Content marketing is an essential part of blogging

There are many different forms of digital advertising. However, content marketing is one of the best ways to attract prospects. Since we already established that blogging generates more leads it’s time to understand the “science” behind content marketing. In general, content marketing means that you use blogging to sell your offers to your prospective leads without sounding “salesy” or “pushy”. You’re marketing your company simply by offering meaningful content to your readers who can then decide for themselves that your valuable blog is a good enough reason to sign up for your newsletter or take any other action that you want them to.

How to craft useful content for your blog posts

You should never go with quantity over quality. Yes, you should post regular content updates but not at the expense of the quality of your content. Therefore, you need to find a way to balance these two together. With that in mind, it’s important that you write blog posts that you yourself would love to read in the first place. Moreover, a useful blog post will teach your audience something valuable. That being said, your blog post needs to solve a certain problem your audience may have. Finally, make your meaningful content interesting as well.

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Blogging generates more leads with CTAs

It’s important that you have well-designed landing pages for your conversion boost strategy. However, you can include your CTAs in your blog posts as well. So, as you post more content you will have the chance to include more of your calls-to-action as well. Yes, blogging generates more leads but only if you make sure that you include this essential CTA practice into your content marketing strategy. Therefore, create tempting and unique CTAs that are hard to resist, especially after getting valuable info from your blog posts.

Optimize your company blog posts with effective CTAs

As stated above, calls-to-action (CTAs) are your primary tool for generating more leads. You need to include your CTAs in your landing pages and make them stand out. Of course, you should make sure that the offers are compelling enough to encourage the lead generation to actually take action. However, you can always have a backup CTA. This is a great solution if your goal is to engage as many leads as possible. Essentially, you can add a secondary CTA to your landing page. This can be a blog subscription for example. Moreover, always include your CTAs and links to landing pages on your blog and social media posts. What’s more, a simple call-to-action can be at the end of your blog post, where you ask your readers to comment or answer specific questions.

The way you conceptualize your headlines is essential

The titles and subheadings that you use for your blog posts can tremendously affect your SEO and Google ranking. Essentially, you need to create attractive headlines that would actually tempt your leads to open and read your content. Remember, once they click on the title of your blog posts, your leads are going to read your subheadings first. Therefore, you mustn’t ignore this aspect of your blog posts. If the subheadings are compelling, your audience may feel interested enough to read your post completely. Of course, to properly optimize your company blog posts, make sure that your headlines are not too long. In general, 60–70 characters is the best option. Also, don’t forget to use square brackets to further explain your blog post in case you use interesting content apart from the text.

Use internal links to improve your visibility and lead engagement

If you want to optimize your company blog posts, you need to include an internal link in your blog posts. It would be best to link to important pages on your website as well as other blog posts that usually get more attention. However, pay attention to your anchor text as well. It doesn’t matter how many links you’ll have or how many times you’ll link to the same page. The first link that you use for a specific page also needs to have relevant keywords to this post. An interesting SEO trick is to look back at the past from time to time. You don’t have to link your old posts in your new blog posts all the time. Go back and edit some of your old blog posts and add a link to a newer relevant post as well.



Tanja Trkulja

Content writer at TechBear, nature and written word enthusiast, avid anime watcher, a Hufflepuff, and a Whovian.