Introducing Zoho MarketingHub: What Can It Do for Your Business?

Tanja Trkulja
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2019

Zoho has introduced the Zoho MarketingHub, a “marketing automation software that helps attract visitors to your website, turn anonymous visitors into leads and convert leads into loyal customers,” according to their website.


So how is it that Zoho is going to be able to accomplish everything that they’ve listed?

The MarketingHub is going to work with lead management, behavioral targeting, multi-channel marketing, engagement marketing, and analytics. That can be an overwhelming range of topics, so let’s dive right into what they are and what they’ll be able to tackle.

Lead Management

Lead management works to generate new potential business clientele. Zoho has incorporated this into their new software by adding sign-up forms and smart popups that can be enabled on landing pages. They also allow you to sync your CRM leads or to bring them over from other websites, such as GoToWebinar and Eventbrite. This helps you to understand online behavior and evaluate potential clients for sales.

Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral targeting is a strategy implemented by advertisers and publishers in order to use web users’ previous behavior to change and personalize the types of advertisements that they receive on their screen. This is something that is very prominent with social media applications such as Facebook, although Instagram is now creating more and more sponsored ads to appear in a users feed as they scroll.

Zoho is going to do website behavioral marketing, meaning they will be able to see exactly how a visitor interacts with your specific website. This allows your business to get an idea of features that would be interesting to the potential clients, making it a completely customizable experience. With this new feature, Zoho will allow you to create profiles for every visitor based on their browsing behavior.

Multi-channel Marketing

Multi-channel marketing refers to the way that companies use both direct and indirect channels in order to sell their existing or potential clients goods and services. These channels include social media outlets, Bing, Google and more. Using multi-channel marketing allows your business to drive brand awareness by establishing a connection with them on the platform that they use in their day-to-day lives.

In this new feature, touchpoints allow you to identify where your leads are coming from, to help you decide where to allocate more time and resources. There are also options for creating campaigns across different platforms like email, SMS and social media.

Engagement Marketing

Engagement marketing is using resourceful content in order to create meaningful interactions with your users and, ultimately, to create engagement. A large problem that companies are facing is the little amount of time users are spending on their website. On average, a person sees as many as 5,000 advertisements a day, according to an article by CBS News. It’s important to be able to stay relevant and build engagement programs in order to strengthen customer relationships and cut through the clutter.

Features that will be available in Zoho for engagement marketing are journey builder, autoresponders and workflows. Journey builder will allow your business to visualize and map the experience of their users in order to create a personalized journey. Autoresponders send automated messages for promotional campaigns or new leads based on interactions with previous emails that the potential client has received. Lastly, workflows create “flows to get your leads into the right email series” and after being able to engage the user with content that is relevant to them.


Finally, MarketingHub will use analytics. Analytics are crucial for businesses to understand their company. This software will allow in-depth reports on lead growth, campaign performance, and revenue generation. Able to separate what’s important from what’s not, analytics will show you the metrics that actually matter so you can take the necessary steps to improve your success and profitability.

Final Grade of Zoho MarketingHub

Whatever your business, Zoho’s new MarketingHub will prove to be beneficial. With everything you need in one place, Zoho has continued to create software that’s essential for success in the modern day.

Originally published at on February 21, 2019.



Tanja Trkulja

Content writer at TechBear, nature and written word enthusiast, avid anime watcher, a Hufflepuff, and a Whovian.