The Benefits of Natural Links for Your Company and How to Build Them

Tanja Trkulja
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2018

There’s nothing like natural links to help you build your authority and position in the search. Learn what benefits await you and popular ways you can build these links.


Natural link building is one of the best proofs that your content is engaging, authoritative and valuable enough for other content creators to link back to it. In that respect, one of the main goals of your company’s content marketing efforts is to get as many natural links as possible. This will improve your search rank as well as organic traffic, and consequently the conversion rate.

What are the benefits of natural links for your company?

More traffic. When other sites link back to your content naturally, a part of their audience will also check out your website. In that respect, having plenty of natural links for your company means a higher chance to convert prospects, too.

Get recognized. If your blog posts are linked back to on high-traffic websites, your brand will get the industry recognition. This means that you will be able to establish authority within your own niche and attract more ideal clients.

Even more natural links. If you get a big company to provide natural links for your company, many smaller companies will also follow their example. That way you’ll get a constant flow of natural links.

More social shares. The more natural links for your company there are, the more options you have to boost your social media activity, expand your community and reach more audience.

Improved ranking. As mentioned, natural links boost SEO. In that respect, if you get more natural links, your search engine rank will also get higher. This will, in turn, drive more traffic to your business website.

What should you do to get natural links?

Great content. Once again, the power of content marketing can put your business on the map. If you want to get natural links for your company you have to publish meaningful and valuable content. That way you’ll create a solid connection with your audience as well. This will send a positive message to your target market. Moreover, you’ll prove yourself as a knowledgeable expert in your niche.

Social media. Make sure that you constantly share your new blog posts and other content that you put out on your business website. That way, your connections on social media will be able to check your updates quickly and easily. Moreover, you’ll effectively place your content right in front of your desired audience. There’s no better way to do this than to keep your social media pages active.

Stay consistent. You have to create a posting/writing schedule and stick to it. The more consistent you are, the more people will regularly come for their dose of information. Moreover, it’s important that you choose proper social media posting time so that you can make sure your audience sees your new post. Of course, keep up with other bloggers and connect with them at the same time. This will improve your chances to get more natural links for your company.

If you want to boost your off-page SEO, strategies such as link building, social media marketing and bookmarking are essential. The following list can help you get a basic idea of what you should specifically do to get natural links.

Popular ways to build links

Ask for backlinks. This may seem a bit strange at first, but if you’re a beginner it can still work in your favor. If someone you know has a website or a blog relevant to your niche, ask them to include an in-content link to your business website as well.

Connect with others in your niche. There are plenty of online niche-specific communities. Make sure to find one that suits your needs and actively engage in conversation. This is the best way to build connections as well as to gain some valuable backlinks.

Participate in testimonials. Offering your own reviews and testimonials for certain products related to your industry is one of the more popular ways to build links these days. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. Still, make sure that you only make honest positive reviews.

Active blog. You may see this piece of advice everywhere but that just shows how essential it is for online success. If you make sure that you regularly update your blog with meaningful content and stay consistent, you’ll create more chances to get backlinks.

Valuable directories. Not all directories are valuable for SEO. But those that are relevant to your niche, as well as those on informative sites, are perfect to have your business website listed on. It may take a bit of research but the benefits of listing your website in trustworthy directories are definitely one of the most popular ways to build links.

Guest blogging. Again, if you find a website that belongs to your niche and is willing to accept guest posts, go for it! Make sure that you provide meaningful content for your guest post. Also, don’t overuse your links.

Track mentions. When it comes to popular ways to build links, turning mentions into links is definitely one of them. By using Google Alerts you can find mentions about your company. If the person who mentioned you didn’t link back to your site, ask them to do so.

Use infographics. As mentioned, regular blog updates are a must. However, you can explore different types of content. Interesting and informative infographics are a perfect example of valuable content. A lot of sites and blogs will want to link back to you if they can use your infographics as well.

Avoid black hat SEO

Manipulating the search engine with spammy backlinks may have worked before but these days you can’t fool Google Algorithm that easily. Therefore, avoid excessive reciprocal linking. Also, don’t fill your articles with overly optimized keyword links. Stay away from questionable and web directories that are not related to your niche. Don’t post on forums and blogs without any real contribution just to leave a link to your website. Also, refrain from buying links. If you try black hat SEO, be prepared for Google penalty.



Tanja Trkulja

Content writer at TechBear, nature and written word enthusiast, avid anime watcher, a Hufflepuff, and a Whovian.