Turn Your Mistakes into Learning Opportunities

Tanja Trkulja
Published in
4 min readNov 13, 2018
Photo from flickr.com

TO ACT is one of the most important parts of all learning processes. After all, everything you get to learn in life, you learn by doing!

You can read thousands of books about violins, know their different parts, know the technology used to craft one, watch thousands of videos about violin lessons, but you cannot learn to play the violin if you never try to do it with your own hands.

Think of some of the most common things you have learned in your life, such as walking, cycling, cooking, dancing, etc. All this you learned thanks to your initial mistakes. When you began to learn to walk, you must have fallen many times, but instead of being discouraged by each fall, you got up again every time, learned from your mistake and then you walked again.

So, if you’re striving to achieve something and get to make many mistakes along the way, worry not! These mistakes are part of the learning process, they are an essential part of the actions you take so that you can actually learn from them and use them as a valuable experience in your next attempt.

Therefore, it’s important to reflect on practices you can apply in your life and use your mistakes as a tool for personal (and professional) growth.

Accept the fact that sometimes you’ll fail

Lying to others makes you a liar, but lying to yourself makes you a weak person who goes through life blindfolded.

You should always be honest with yourself because if you start to lie to yourself, you cannot expect to grow and improve. Start by accepting your small mistakes and assume necessary responsibility.

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Turn your mistakes into a learning tool

Your mistakes are your best teachers. Each error contains the secret key to open the door of your failures, through which you can enter the world of learning.

Mistakes are part of human nature and instead of demotivating and depressing you, utilize them and learn from your failed attempts. Each mistake will teach you a new lesson and each lesson learned will bring you closer to your goal.


Do not be afraid of failure

Do you think that the best speaker in the world was praised for his first speech? Do you think that the best player in the world scored the goal on his first attempt?

Most people don’t have the opportunity to show success in their initial attempts because an ideal success or accomplishment is a mixture of effort, willpower, determination, and failures.

So, don’t be afraid of failing and definitely don’t be afraid of making mistakes because if you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not trying anything new!

Learn from others

There’s no reason to limit yourself to your own mistakes when it comes to learning life lessons.

Most people only see the successful side of celebrities, friends, relatives, and neighbors, but they miss the most valuable chapter of their life; the chapter of making mistakes.


Watching and learning from the mistakes of others is also a very valuable learning practice that can make you much wiser. It may sound unfair or a bit strange to pay attention to other people’s mistakes, but this is not about belittling others!

We are all humans and we all make mistakes. Other people will have different experiences compared to you but that doesn’t mean that you won’t find yourself in similar situations in the future. So, why not use what you know about others to improve yourself in a way as well?

Don’t get hung up on your mistakes

Making a mistake and then regretting it throughout your life is the worst thing you can do. There’s really no rhyme or reason behind getting stuck in this one negative phase of your life.

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Think of mistakes as the place where you go to take violin lessons. You go there, you learn and you go back home. Sometimes, playing the violin will result in your mistakes. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get better. These are all parts of the new lessons, aren’t they? You must face your mistakes, learn important lessons and then move on with your life.

Instead of being afraid of failures, start learning from your mistakes. Teachers can teach you lessons by having you study other people’s experiences, but your mistakes teach you lessons from your own experience.

That’s not to say that only mistakes will be valuable learning experiences. Every step and every action in your life, regardless of how successful it is, is worth your while, and represents a new line in the new chapter of your own book.



Tanja Trkulja

Content writer at TechBear, nature and written word enthusiast, avid anime watcher, a Hufflepuff, and a Whovian.