Why You Should Have a WordPress Website in 2018

Marko Spasic
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2018

People often ask: “Why do I need a WordPress website? Isn’t mine good enough? Isn’t WordPress something bloggers use?”

While this used to be true a while ago WordPress has since become a powerhouse and a true CMS content management system. You can still use WordPress to create blogs but now it offers you the power to create professional websites and applications.

The reason WordPress has become so powerful is because of how easy it is to use and the incredible amount of flexibility it gives you, so much that you can do pretty much anything with it. According to w3techs.com over 22.5% of all websites on the internet are powered by WordPress.

Some of the bigger companies that use WordPress include: Time Magazine, Google, Facebook, Sony, Disney, LinkedIn, The New York Times, CNN, eBay, and many more. Why? Well that is exactly what I will talk about here and the reason why you should have a WordPress website in 2018.

Image is taken from pexels.com

WordPress is free and it is an open source platform

WordPress is in essence free, it is an open source program and this by itself means that it is a platform that is constantly evolving and becoming better and more powerful. Open source means that the source code of the software is available for anyone to study, modify and play with.

At the moment there are 2600+ WordPress themes and 31,000+ plugins available for free. These can be downloaded, installed and used on any website.

But there is an important thing to mention here, and that is: WordPress.com vs WordPress.org.

What is the difference? Simply put If you are a blogger, and you don’t care about making money from your website, then go with the free WordPress.com.

If you do want to make money from your site, then we recommend using the self-hosted WordPress.org. It gives you the flexibility and freedom to grow your website and create the website that you need and want.

Having covered that important detail let’s move on to as to why WordPress is so popular.

WordPress is simple to use but provides incredible amount of options

WordPress is very simple to learn and use; there are thousands of people writing articles about it every day. The community is growing and has hundreds of thousand of users and contributors,

WordPress is extremely flexible and this can be expanded with plugins. Just like themes, there are thousand of free and premium plugins that give you an incredible amount of freedom when it comes to designing and creating the website that you need. There is almost no type of website that can not be created in WordPress from simple websites to very large and complicated Ecommerce sites.

WordPress is SEO friendly

SEO is very important — if your clients are looking for your site or services online they will use a Search Engine, so you need a site that can be optimized to be indexed and followed by search engines like Google. Having your site SEO optimized means that it will be there on the search engine when people look for it. The better the optimization the higher ranking your site will be.

Image taken from pexels

WordPress is easy to manage and keep up to date

In an ever evolving and changing environment like the Internet, you want your website to be on a platform that can evolve and adapt just as quick as things change. WordPress come with a built-in updater that updates everything from your dashboard with a click of a button. It offers the option of automated updates and also lets you know when new versions are available, making updates as easy as a push of a button.

WordPress is safe and secure

WordPress was developed with security in mind; that is why it is considered to be quite safe to run any website. However additional security is always a good idea as the Internet is full of problems, which is exactly why extra security is created for.

WordPress can handle almost all content

Another great feature about WordPress is that it can handle anything from text, to video, you can integrate and embed an incredible amount of things. From simple videos, to Iframes or API’s, all of them can be easily and seamlessly integrated into your Wordpress website. Document or File management can be used on your WordPress powered website as well as almost anything else you can think of.

WordPress is quickly taking over the market for Website because it is so flexible, gives you so much freedom and supports so many options. It is easier to use than other CMS, and is growing faster than any other CMS out there.

The question is not Why do you need a WordPress site but Why would you not choose it when it is the way of the future that will only get more powerful, popular and flexible with every update and every year.

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Marko Spasic
Editor for

Digital Marketing Specialist and Social Media Manager at TechBear. Passionate sports aficionado and an overall nice guy.