SciNote can write a draft of your scientific manuscript using artificial intelligence

Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2017

Do you ever get that feeling that you would like to have a magic spell to organize all your data?

And once it is organized, wouldn’t it be magnificent if there would be a software that could put together all relevant data from your projects, add some new references and present you with a manuscript draft you can build upon?

This is where SciNote Manuscript Writer add-on comes in. It uses artificial intelligence to prepare a draft of your scientific manuscript based on your data, saving you time and energy to prepare manuscripts to publish.

Basically, this just might be the add-on we’ve been dreaming of!

How does it work?

It all starts with being organized.

Yes, this probably felt like a sting right now, like mentioning the elephant in the room, but frankly, SciNote can make the whole thing easy.

If you are already using SciNote, thank you — we’re happy you’re on board! — feel free to scroll a bit down to the This is where the magic happens part.

So, how can SciNote help you organize your data?

It is a piece of cake.

Not a cookie… a cake.

Organization takes a bit of effort.

Creating a free account in SciNote is simple. Just fill out the sign up form and you’re in. Free account, forever. No hidden small text.

In SciNote, data is structured by: Projects — Experiments — Tasks — Protocols

Your work starts with creating your projects on the dashboard (when you create your free account, you will see the demo project that helps you understand how SciNote works).

Creating projects in SciNote is easy.

Within each project, you can create different experiments.

Experiments in a project.

You can define each experiment with the series of tasks. Tasks are parts of your experiment that contain data. You can arrange your tasks in flexible workflows.

You can arrange tasks in various different ways.

Within each task, you can write notes, add text, checklists, pictures, tables and upload different types of files. Tasks can be used to define each step of a protocol in great detail, what needs to be done and how (picture below). That is basically all you need to know to start.

Example of a protocol in SciNote.

If you would like to get a better look and feel — here is a short gif:

How to organize data in SciNote — fast and easy (if you only see a blury image here, wait a bit, it’s loading).

This is where the magic happens

Once your data is nicely organized in SciNote, Manuscript Writer can do its job!

Based on the data you have in SciNote, it will generate a draft of your manuscript.


Manuscript draft generates a draft of your scientific manuscript based on your data in SciNote and open access references & keywords of your choice (if you only see a blury image here, wait a bit, it’s loading).

What will you get?

Interested? Get free access!

Read more about SciNote Manuscript Writer here.

by Tea Pavlek, SciNote LLC




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