Web Designers for Hire: 3 Proven Ways to Finding the Best One

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5 min readDec 13, 2017

Have you struggled to find “web designers for hire” to help build your website?

Finding a web designer for your new or existing project can be really difficult. Not only that, choosing the right person can be a lot more tedious and time-consuming than one could imagine.

But there’s no need to worry, you are not alone in this. I have experienced this exact same situation before and it can be a painful.

The truth is, finding a web designer for hire will be less difficult, if you know where to look.

In a moment, I will be explaining in detail how to find a web designer for that brand new project or heck an existing one. But first of all… Why is finding a right web designer such a tough task?

The Problem

Most likely, you’re focusing on the wrong things, and probably not asking the right questions or even hanging out at the wrong places.

Apparently, there are a tonne of web designers out there, equally looking for you (i.e. client) as much as you are looking for them. You may ask:

Where are these web designers or where do they hangout?

Alright, that’s a good question but let’s say you now know where they hangout, the question then becomes:

Who do I choose for my project?

At this point, you realize that just knowing where to find them wasn’t the only problem, but also hiring someone capable of meeting your demands. This can be very frustrating for anyone who hasn’t had any experience hiring a web designer.

These are really the pain points one has to consider, when looking for a web designer or developer for hire.

How to find web designers for hire

1. Word-of-mouth

Word-of-mouth can be an extremely powerful way of finding web designers for hire. This is because there’s a higher level of trust involved when someone close to you recommends a particular product or service.

In an online survey carried out by The Nielsen Company, it was found that 84% of customers say that they completely or somewhat trust recommendations from family, friends and colleagues, about products and services.

This should not come as a surprise as human beings often make decisions based on emotions.

So asking a family member, friend or colleague should be your first option when trying to find a web designer for your project.

A similar question popped up in an email I received from Quora, “I need to hire a web developer, how can I find someone that is trustworthy?

An answer from Jonathan Meier read:

Your number one best bet will always be referrals from your own personal network. Someone you know has probably worked with a developer at some point. Get the dev’s contact info and you’ve solved your problem.

another one from Daine Lindley Mawer

To be honest with you, if a web developer is suggested to you via word of mouth via a previous client, friend or acquaintance, you should be safe. Word of Mouth is a strong marketing tool.

As you can see, word-of-mouth is the runaway favorite, when it comes to finding a web designer or developer. So you should try this method first before considering any other.

2. Web Design Bloggers/Vloggers

Just in case you didn’t know, many web designers often blog or vlog about anything related to design.

Yes, they actually do!

They do this because they’re passionate about everything web design and are happy to teach others what they know.

At the same time, they’re also running a business. Therefore, it is an opportunity for you to reach out to them, if you have a project you’d like them to be a part of.

Getting a web designer for hire through this method really works. Here are some reasons why web design bloggers/vloggers should be an option for you to consider when you need a web designer:

  1. Their online presence
  2. Many of them have a portfolio
  3. Some have a very good relationship with the web development community
  4. They care about their online reputation

All these points I’ve mentioned really matter, when hiring a blogger or vlogger that’s a web designer.

When it comes to hiring a web designer who blogs or vlogs about web design, chances are pretty high that they understand what it takes to design and develop a website or web app.

You may want to make your decision based on what you see, well these bloggers/vloggers have a portfolio you can refer to. If you are not the kind of person that’s into reading blog posts or watching videos, perhaps a portfolio could just do the trick for you.

Another thing you will need to take into account is that, these designers are putting themselves out there on the web. Therefore, they have an online reputation and would not like to jeopardize it by not providing you a service you’ll be paying for.

So you can trust that you’re not at risk of hiring a designer who’s not trustworthy.

Also note that due to the solid online presence which they’ve built, they might have a really good connection with the design community.

They probably will be able to recommend some other designers they trust to get your project done. This can be an option, if that blogger/vlogger has a tight schedule.

3. Freelancing platforms

Freelancing platforms are a very good option to consider when in need of a web designer for hire. In fact, when in doubt of who to hire, you should turn to freelancing platforms.

On these platforms, it’s FREE to register and so is job posting.

Here are some of the freelancing platforms out there:

  1. Freelancer
  2. Upwork
  3. 99Designs
  4. Toptal
  5. Fiverr

These platforms are somewhat similar in terms of how they work. They are relatively safe and easy to use.

The advantages you get from using a freelancing platforms like these are:

  • Ability to communicate with a freelance web designer and also share files within the system
  • Access to high-quality candidates
  • Safe and secure paymanets
  • Accountability (i.e there’s always someone responsible, in case of any disputes)
  • Access to project management systems


All-in-all, these are the 3 proven ways of finding the best web designers for hire. If you follow any of these tips, I can assure you that finding a web designer will be hassle-free and less time-consuming.

In another article, I will be discussing all the different freelancing platforms which I’ve listed above, and how to select the best one for your project.

Quick information:

Designcrispy is a full stack design studio that creates unique Web | Mobile |Branding experiences for brands and businesses.

To start a project, send an email to hello@designcrispy.com or use the contact form at www.designcrispy.com/contact.




Designcrispy is a full stack design studio that creates unique Web | Mobile | Branding experiences for brands and businesses.