✨ INSANELY GOOD Bard Update Just Dropped — Here are my favorite features 🔥

The new update to Google’s Bard is so good and I’ve been waiting for them to actually do these changes! So let’s dive in!

John Paul Ada


Saving Conversations

Conversations can be pinned.
You can select to pick up where you left off.

We’re now finally able to save Bard conversations much like how we could in ChatGPT! No more going deep into the settings into the archives just to see our past conversations, and not being able to continue them. Now we can just pin a conversation, then go back to it at a later time to reference it or to continue the conversation. This was the kind of Quality of Life patch that I was waiting for. CONVENIENT TIME-SAVER!

One-Click Response Upgrade

Easy Edit Button.
Easy Edit Demo.

Gone are the days of typing a long prompt to tell Bard to expand its response or make it more professional. Much like how we can do it in Notion, we can just click a button and then specify if we want it shorter or longer, if we want it simpler, more casual, or more professional. EASY.

Using Images in Prompts

Click + button to upload an image.
Response from the prompt with the image.
Image in Prompt Demo.

Finally, the most mind-blowing feature of this release: BEING ABLE TO USE IMAGES IN PROMPTS. I had to type that in ALL CAPS just because it’s soooo good! Yes, ChatGPT can do that right now but only in Plus, while in Bard, you can do it for FREE. There’s no end to what you can do with this feature. I used it here to analyze the banner image for this article, and it was able to see what was in the image and read the text as well. SO. DAMN. GOOD.

Honorable Mentions

Here are the other features they unveiled during this release:

  • Bard can now speak its responses out loud
  • More country support
  • Better sharing options (for normal responses and especially for code)

Here’s the Official Google Bard Announcement Post: https://blog.google/products/bard/google-bard-new-features-update-july-2023/

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