ES6 Fundamentals: Introduction

Hiten Pratap Singh
TechCret Software
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2020

During this lockdown due to Covid19, I thought to improve my skills in ES6. I also thought to share my learning with you guys along the way my learning. It’s a series about the ES6 and I’ll try to publish new blog in the series in every couple of days.

So, in this blog, we will start with the introduction about ES6 with some obvious questions like what is it, how to use it, what about compatibility in different browsers etc.


JavaScript is an implementation of ECMAScript, and the ES6 is specification that defines the language upcoming features. Like any other language, most of the times, these specifications take several years to land in the different browsers as general available features. So, the time period these specifications take to be generally available in different set of browsers, the JavaScript developers work with these specifications and report any improvements or bugs if any. It results in a clean specification that is free of ambiguity and any possible errors.

Changes proposed in the ES6 specification are the biggest changes to the JavaScript since it was created. The last time the specification tries to add this broadly to the language was with ECMAScript 4, but that project was abandoned. ES6, however, which started with the code name Harmony, it’s here, it’s agreed upon.

So, let’s get started with all the new features proposed on ECMAScript 6 in further blog posts.

