5 Reasons Why Data Science is Essential for your Business

jaseem CK
Published in
5 min readApr 11, 2020

There are numerous types and categories of business that works around us. But during the past few decades, the overall structure and concept of business drastically changed. Due to more people getting into the industry and the rise of industrialization, customers became one of the major factor in all businesses. Once, there was no competition and people were forced to buy a commodity from a fixed person or company. But now people get to choose. They evaluate the quality of the company, the products, and the service it provides. It is no exaggeration when it says ‘Customer is the King’. There is no fixed place for any company or organization. No particular company have an ultimate monopoly over any product. It is easy for a company to grow if it has the potential unlike the recent decades. So whatever the product or service is, customer is the priority. The success of the venture mostly depends on their customer base.

Data science is an inter-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structural and unstructured data. Data science is related to data mining and big data. This is the definition for data science as per Wikipedia. It may seem more tend to the scientific side which is not completely wrong. But it can make a big impact on the business field in the modern day.
Data and data analytics were used in business limited over the centuries for the simple reason that data and analytics help owners and managers understand how a business is faring and what needs to be done. But it is different now. Before it was a luxury, now it is necessity.

Most businesses worth their name are online nowadays. They mark their online presence through a website simple or complex or even an e-commerce portal that allows people to order online.
Big Data Analytics aids an organization to tackle the data and utilize it to find new opportunities. This leads to more smart business moves, higher profits, efficient operations, and happy customers. The idea is to share the business prospects in a better way in the future and to use it with analytics concept.
Out of many, these are some of the reasons why data science is important in businesses:

1. Market Understanding

With the development of algorithms nowadays, huge data sets can be collected and analyzed. This process of analysis is called Mining. Regarding the other kinds of physical resources, data collection is done in raw form and thereafter refined. This enables collection of data from a wide variety of people, which further proves out to be fruitful for better marketing strategy. This allows the company to get a clear understanding of the market and it’s current status.

2. Identifying Opportunities

During their interaction with the organization’s current analytics system, data scientists question the existing processes and assumptions for the purpose of developing additional methods and analytical algorithms. Their job requires them to continuously and constantly improve the value that is derived from the organization’s data. Data scientists or analysts are supposed to look for any chance of improvement using the data they collect.

3. Recruiting the best talent

Recruiting can be an exhausting effort, but with data science, this process becomes faster and more accurate. With all of the data points available on talent due to social media, corporate databases, and job sites, companies can work through these data points and use analytical methods to find the candidates who best fit the organization.
Mining this existing data on your applicants means finding employees who will actually fit your company culture, and not just look good on paper. This is especially important if you are receiving a high number of applicants and looking to fill a role quickly. Working smarter and not harder through data science methods can ensure you’re still filling that position with the most qualified candidate. Data can help you chose the right person for the job.

4. Decision making

A data scientist examines and explores the organization’s data, after which they recommend and prescribe certain actions that will help improve the institution’s performance, better engage customers, and ultimately increase profitability. Before, it was a time consuming job, which took lots of effort and time and by the time it comes up with any significant result, the relevance will be no more. But with data science decision making can be done accurately and much faster.

5. New Products/Services

With the power of Data Analytics, the needs and satisfaction of the customers are met in a better way. This helps one to make sure that the product/service aligns with the values of the target audience. Also the products in hand can be modified as per the trend and need of the customers.

Hence, data analysts and scientists are inevitable roles in a modern business. Good practices in data analytics always gave the company an upper-hand over their competitors. Whatever your business is, data plays a prominent role in it. How you use and manipulate this data will be the factor of your success in the field. This applies to all businesses. Because everything is data and data is everything.



jaseem CK

Coder, Startup enthusiast, Business aspirant, a maker in heart….