The love for AMD CPUs and Budget

acrophobic pilot
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2020

AMD you better pay me for this.

Let’s go way back. Definitely not the Big Bang or The Origin, but to somewhat much closer. 2006 or 2007. The times when I played Cricket ’07, GTA Vice City or something. I remember, dad bringing a new box. I was used to seeing components inside the cabinet by that time, there were already plenty in that small room where we kept our PC. A new processor and motherboard, and this thing was new, for a kid who’s heard of only Intel’s Pentium series, AMD was a new one. “Which is this local thing?”, any kid who’s not seen a Marlon Brando act before and minutes before the performance would react the same way. Maybe that was too harsh. Everybody knows Brando. Dulquer Salmaan? Nevermind.
So, the old Pentium 4 (or rather, dead) was removed, the motherboard removed, and here comes the bomb. The AMD Athlon. I don’t remember which one. I was 7, come on.

The San Andreas which worked like an Amal Neerad movie till last week,(last movie reference, I swear), now worked like a charm. Butter smooth.

That went for like few years until 2011. The old one died, or sold? I don’t remember correctly. But this time, we bought an AMD Phenom II X6 1055T! Yes, I remember the exact name and number. I mean look at that. The name itself is, a thing. Now compare the Intel names, i3, core2duo, yuck!
So why we bought an AMD instead of intel? Well, comparing to other processor at big that time, AMD was much cheaper. I wasn’t much into games either. So, with a Nvidea Geforce 9400 GT and an AMD Phenom II, I was in heaven already. Moderate performance, enough for me to play games in high graphics, the PC worked like a dream. About the heat, yes. AMD heats like the sun, I’m gonna agree. Damn, the thermal paste vaporing up was a big deal. But, but, but, but we, being an average, Indian, middle class family and the nearest computer market being 30–40km away, we adjusted using tooth paste, with mint ;). Oh you guys do that too? Highfive.

Fast forward again, to my first laptop. 2016. The shopkeeper showed me these beautiful Laptop with intel i5, and stuffs, and me with a limited budget asked for the lower end models. He showed me i3s. Then came a beauty. A good old AMD A8 7410. That was the first mistake I made, but later I changed my mind. This badass right here, I swear, I used Adobe Premiere and Adobe Audition side by side on this. The best hours of my good old laptop. I’m sure with an independent graphics, it would’ve been the bomb, but … yeah, it was great

Now, I have this laptop. With a freakin Ryzen 5 3550, and I know it lies somewhere between i5 8th gen and i5 9th gen, but that is all I want. I won’t say the best performance, but there’s nothing to complain either. Unlike said words, this one doesn’t heat much. Also calm and composed, even I had doubts if this one really is an AMD. It was never about the CPUs, I mean it is, but not just that, I have an independent graphics card, RX 560X, and an SSD and the laptop is smooth AF.

All I wanna say is, there are much wider options in the market. Better and cheaper ones. Just, do a thorough check and buy the best suited for you.


