3 Surefire Ways To Stand Out During Your Job Search

Insights From Pinterest, Facebook and More!

Anthony Holloway
5 min readFeb 10, 2018


If you QUIT once, it becomes a habit. Never Quit.

— Michael Jordan

Most people QUIT before they start. Most won’t take this advice and APPLY IT.

But if you’re reading this, then you’re not most people.

Last night, recruiters who’ve worked at Facebook, Pinterest, Digit, Datafox and HackerOne revealed their keys to being a standout candidate.

The event was hosted by MissionU.

A company that’s disrupting higher education by preparing students with relevant skills that companies want today. Here’s how.

The Process

To learn more about their Partners and how it all works, hop on over here.

Back to the proven ways to stand out with recruiters.

The panelists revealed secrets such as…

  • How to get past the online application “black hole”
  • How to say less, but accomplish more in your interview
  • How to be memorable

Whether you’re an engineer or a marketer, these tactics will help you

  1. Stand out from the crowd
  2. Get more interviews
  3. Land the job you want.

So prepare to level up.

Apply these 3 simple steps and watch your job search catapult to new heights.

A C T I V A T E | Be Bold

Back in September I created this 9-min video that helped several people I’ve personally coached land 6-figure software engineering jobs.

In it I share my step by step system on how to leverage cold email to fast track your success by speaking directly to hiring managers.

Why do I mention this?

Well, the recruiters all agreed that a thoughtful email was one of the best way’s to break through the application noise.

Feel uncomfortable about cold emailing? Don’t worry. Every recruiter also confirmed that they get emails from applicants on a daily basis.

What’s that mean for you?

They’re expecting your email! It’s literally their job.

So take the time to craft an interesting message, and make sure it’s personalized. Cleary show why your skills and values align with the company’s.

And don’t be afraid to get weird and show how unique you are.

Let these quirky examples inspire you. Courtesy of Mashable:

“I once got a package from a jobseeker, inside of which I found a shoe with a note attached that said, ‘Now that I have my foot in the door…’” -Daniel Van Hill, executive recruiter, Parker + Lynch

“A candidate applying for a financial analyst position at Moody’s (without any Financial Analyst work experience) sent an egg timer from a Boggle game with a resume and a note that said, ‘If you give me this much time, I’ll prove to you why I am the best financial analyst you’ll ever have.’ He is a now a VP.” -Abby Kohut, author and recruiter, Absolutely Abby

Here’s the icing on the cake that most people forget.

Make a clear Call To Action (CTA) after you’ve demonstrated your value.

For example, never end your email with, “Hope to hear from you soon” .This is one of the quickest ways NOT to hear back from people soon.

Try this instead: Can we speak this Thursday at 2:30 PM about how I might add value to your team?

This question makes it easy for the person to Yes or No. And if you can make it easier on the hiring manager or recruiter, you immediately stand out!

Be Bold. Be Brief. And call recruiters to action. Your dream job depends on it!

P R E P A R E| Be Brief

In French cuisine they call it, Mise en place, or “to put in place”.

This is the process that world class chefs use to ensure they’re prepared to cook a stellar meal.

The job search and interview process is the same way.

Prep & Practice are key. Here’s how you can flourish come interview time.

Use the STAR Method | Situation, Task, Action, Result

You can use this method for many question relating to how you might add value to the team/company you’re interviewing for.

Here’s an example:

Situation: I had to deliver a presentation under a tight deadline.

Task: I was responsible for pitching ideas for a new marketing campaign.

Action: I presented mock ups of several A | B tests that could increase our team’s sales conversion.

Result: After my successful pitch, we implemented the idea, which in only 30 days increased sales by 10%!

You have a limited amount of time to make a lasting impression.

So get to the point.

The best way to do this with confidence is practice with go-to questions & answers. Prepare at least 3–5 STAR formatted answers. Especially have an answer for the dreaded, “So tell me about yourself..” question.

Do You Have Any Questions?| The answer should be YES

The panelist of recruiters also agreed that most candidates don’t come prepared with thoughtful questions. Don’t be that person.

Remember, you’re interviewing the company just as much as they’re interviewing you.

Not sure what questions you should ask? Try using Key Values.

Their culture queries tool will give you tailored questions based on what you value in a company.

Key Takeaways: Be Clear. Be Brief. Be Memorable.

“Don’t become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific.”

— Zig Ziglar

L I S T E N | Be Present

Christina D’Ambrosio, a recruiter at HackerOne, said that candidates can stand out in a huge way if they take the time to also craft a thoughtful follow up email after an interview.

Share a key insight that you gained from something specific you interviewer said. Let them know how you continued working on the question you felt that you bombed.

This simple gesture does two things.

  1. It shows that you listened and brought your whole self to the interview.
  2. It shows how dedicated & invested you are in the process

BONUS: Check out this post if you want to dive deeper into the art of the follow up!

Follow up is a major key 🔑 that most people overlook.

Author Jeb Blount says it best in his book Fanatical Prospecting,

“In God We Trust, everyone else, we follow up with.”

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Until next time. Embrace The Hustle & Remain Humble.



Anthony Holloway

Recruiter. Coach. Chief Editor of @TechDirtyWithMe. altMBA Alumni. StartingBloc Fellow. Math Geek. Foodie.