Goal Setting 101: Exactly How Top Performers Think

Everything College, Parents, & Society Didn’t Teach You

Anthony Holloway
Published in
8 min readMar 9, 2020


“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.” — Bruce Lee

Many of us have goals.

There are goals we’ve all succeeded at. Like learning how to read so that you can enjoy this post.

There are also goals that many of us have failed at.

Like joining that gym in January but by mid-February we’re back to making love with a pint of ice cream; with our gym clothes no where in sight.

We do that thing where we’re like….

“Diet starts now! Right after this {insert your vice}. (mine is pizza 🍕 )”

So how do we break through the noise?

How do we manage our time and energy?

And most importantly, what step by step process can we use to accomplish any goal we desire?

Buckle up.

You’re about to learn basics of how to define, track, and achieve any goal!

This framework has helped me:

  • ☀️ And wake up daily at 5:30 AM

Disclaimer: This is what has worked for me. Ultimately, you owe it to yourself to test, explore, and discover what works for you.







With that being said, let’s set it off.

Start With Why

“You can only take the world as far as you’ve traveled internally.” — Jay Shetty

Before buying new gym clothes, starting a new diet, or quitting that job that doesn’t appreciate you, take a deep breathe in….THEN….

Define your WHY before you take any action!

From 2012 to 2013 I worked as a Personal Banker. In 2013 I was promoted to a financial analyst, but deep down I was truly unfulfilled.

So I did what any frustrated millennial would do…. I applied for other jobs!

My mistake was that I applied mindlessly. I just wanted another job that paid more. I didn’t take the time to really ask myself WHY.

I acted from a place of frustration. And I got exactly what I asked for.

The result? I increased my salary by 2X and was twice as miserable in my new job; working for a bigger bank.

Ever feel this way about your goals?

This applies to any goal we want to achieve. Frustration often motivates us to start, but purpose is the emotional fuel we need to persevere.

Here’s how to define the purpose for any goal

I call this first step, the BIG DOMINO.

The first thing you’ve got to do is set your GPS.

Your internal GPS. Your “self-worth” GPS.

Here are the 5 questions you’ll need to ask yourself.

  1. How will this bring me joy?
  2. What about this goal gives me energy?
  3. What’s preventing me from achieving this goal?
    don’t bullshit yourself here)
  4. What virtues/values am I being true to if I succeed?
  5. Who can I become as a result of pursuing this goal?

This is THE HARDEST PART. Don’t expect to sit down for an hour and have this all figured out. It’ll take a few drafts.

Once defined this is your superpower.

Your cheat code.

Skip this step at your own peril.

Next, Select Your Mission: Enter OKRs 🚀


Think of any goal like a rocket ship.

Before you leave you need fuel. That’s your WHY.

Next, you need your destination. What direction are you going?

Are you headed to the Moon? Mars perhaps? Another galaxy maybe?

You have the power to decide.

But with great power comes great responsibility. Your direction will define the steps you need to take and how you’ll need to prepare for your mission.

For example, a mission to Mars is much further than a mission to the Moon. This means you might need more fuel, or a more efficient fuel source.

See how setting your direction starts to define how you will get there?

This “direction” is your OBJECTIVE.

This technique and mental framework is called OKRs.

The “O” in OKRs is your Objective.

OKRs are a goal setting framework used by some of the most successful companies in the world to achieve massive success and growth.

This is one of the most powerful models for thinking through and achieving goals in every area of your life.

Trust me, as a personal development nerd, I’ve tried nearly every tool & framework out there. OKRs are by far one of the most powerful.

So to get started simply ask,

What direction do I want to go?

Below are some of my own personal objectives that may spark some inspiration for you.

Another Disclaimer: You won’t sit down ONCE and have this all figured out.

  • Learn how to fight and defend myself. Cook up on-demand ass-whoopins if necessary. [Health & Vitality]
  • Solve big meaningful problems that help others transform. [Contribution & Personal Development]
  • I have unlimited knowledge, wisdom, joy, and laughter to share with the world. [Mental & Spiritual Development]

Criteria For A Great Objective:They should be…

✅ Poetic
✅ Catchy
✅ Make you feel good (e.g. give you energy)
✅Rule of thumb: it can fit on a shirt. The shorter the better.

I know what you’re thinking…

How are you going to accomplish all of this Anthony?

Don’t worry about how for now. And most importantly, don’t limit yourself.

“If you fight for your limitations you get to keep them.” — Jim Kwik

This is where most of us get stuck.

There are unlimited HOWs! And as a result we get overwhelmed.

Define your WHY and your DIRECTION first, then how becomes a bit easier.

Check out this video for an even deeper dive on OKRs by yours truly.

Calibrate Your GPS: Getting To The HOW

Here’s the part you’ve probably been waiting for: THE HOW!

Assuming you’ve done the hard work of defining your WHY along with 1–2 OBJECTIVES, it’s time to get your hands dirty.

The “KR” in OKRs stands for Key Results.

Your Key Results are small milestones that tell you you’re getting closer your goal. They MUST include a number and ~70% is considered success.

For example…My objective of “learn how to fight and defend myself”, turned into 3 tangible key results:

🧠 Research & Decide on 2–3 fighting disciplines I’d like to explore
🥊 Attend 1 trial class for each discipline I’m excited about
🏅 Commit and attend 1 class per/week for 90 days (70% = success)

This helped me attend Jiu-Jitsu nearly 12 weeks in a row 😲!

I used the Strides App to track this 😏

Your key results make sure you start small and don’t burn yourself out.

There were a few weeks I missed, but I didn’t have to beat myself up about it because I had defined what success was (70%).

We’re not perfect!

And this level of detail helps keep you humble.
It helps you be kind to yourself.

Key Takeaway: Over-exertion when we REALLY feel like doing the work doesn’t beat showing up consistently. Discipline Scales.

Yes, we need to push ourselves, but we also need to deliberately set limits.

Like the late great Nipsey Hussle said,

“It’s A Marathon.”

The 20-mile march is a perfect example the Marathon Mindset 🏃🏾🧠:

If you watch nothing, watch this.

Set your direction and get crystal clear on what success means to YOU.

Not your PARENTS.
And damn sure not your INSTAGRAM FEED.

Manage Priorities, Not Time

How To Plan Your Priorities, Not Your Time.

So you’ve done the hard work.

You defined your WHY; your FUEL.

You also have a compelling Objective.
You know exactly what direction you’re going.

You even got super clear and defined your Key Results,
a.k.a what success means to YOU.

Now here’s where the rubber meets the road.
What do you do today?
What do you do tomorrow/this week/this month?

Master. Your. Calendar. Here’s how…

  • Step 1: Start with your Objectives. Read them aloud a few times.
    Change the language if you find there’s words that get you fired up 🔥. Asana has a great framework called the pyramid of clarity that can help you think through this step.
  • *BONUS* Step 1A: Define the roles/identities that will help you BECOME this goal. Do you need to embody a little Sasha Fierce? The Black Mamba maybe? Walt Disney? Be playful. Whatever speaks to your heart and energizes you. This Impact Theory podcast ep. can help you out.
  • Step 2: Define 3–5 priorities for the week. Make sure each priority moves your key results forward. Block these hours out in your calendar. Or if you prefer, get a physical planner. I like a little bit of both.
    👏🏽 PROTECT.
    👏🏽 THIS.
    👏🏽 TIME.
  • Step 3: Define 1–2 small things you’ll get done during these “time blocks”.
  • Step 4: Leave in time for 10–15 min mental breaks! Go move your body. Whatever you do, give the screens a break and put your phone down. I like to take frequent walks and even juggle when I get the chance.

Step 5: Track progress with tools like Weekdone, Asana, Notion, or Strides.
At the end of the week CELEBRATE your wins. DON’T. SKIP. THIS. STEP.
And don’t worry if you don’t get everything done, odds are you won’t. What matters is making sure your biggest priorities get attention every week.

Now Go Forth And Prosper. FLOURISH 💁🏽‍♀️🌸!

Set OKRs. All the cool kids are doing it 😉

OBJECTIVES help you set a clear direction for who you want to become.


RESULTS help you define how to get there, pace yourself, and stay humble.

And your CALENDAR is the glue that holds it all together.

Boom 💥 🎤

You’re Welcome.

P.S. Want to try this process (in person) with a group of like minded people?
Email me at llcholloway[at]gmail[dot]com or just slide into my DMs on Instagram.

🤓 And for all my nerds who want to dive deeper, here’s a reading list that can support your journey:

🍏 Radical Focus by Christina Wodtke
📊 Measure What Matters by John Doerr
🧠 Code of The Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani




Published in TechDirtyWithMe

Follow me for advice on leadership, personal branding, how to get ya hustle on and much more. Let’s make a ruckus together!

Anthony Holloway
Anthony Holloway

Written by Anthony Holloway

Recruiter. Coach. Chief Editor of @TechDirtyWithMe. altMBA Alumni. StartingBloc Fellow. Math Geek. Foodie.

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