You’re Lying To Yourself

3 Habits Keeping You From Flourishing

Anthony Holloway
4 min readMar 9, 2018



Are you convinced that you’ve read every article under the sun regarding goal setting and personal development?

If so, this post might not be for you.


Because your mind is like a parachute, it works best when it’s open. You’re going to need an open mind for this one.

Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of limiting beliefs from people. Whether in direct conversations, or just overhearing discussions while on my commute.


Don’t get me wrong, I’ve succumb to imposter syndrome before.

I believe however, that when we change our thoughts, we change our life.

Which is why I want to talk about the impact our words and thoughts have on the life we create.

By the end you’ll leave with 3 questions that’ll change how you see the world 🌎.

Buckle up.

What Do You Say Most Often?


“Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly” — Robert H. Schuller

I’m not perfect.

I indulge in negative self talk on a weekly basis.

“This article isn’t good enough”

“No one wants to hear your rant”

“X person has Y amount of views/likes, you barely have Z”

We all do it.

But those who truly flourish are conscious about taming their inner critic.

So we must shift our focus. Here’s an example of how…



“I could only see the bagels, he could only see the line.” — Simon Sinek

If our first obstacle is our focus, the second and most deadly are our excuses.

“I can’t because…”

“I don’t have experience…”

“I don’t have enough time…”

Time is probably the biggest lie we tell ourselves.

18 hours Is All We Got!

Before blogging consistently, time was the biggest lie I told myself.

But while completing Seth Godin’s altMBA I learned that…

Time Is A Myth.

It’s a story we tell ourselves. And we can decide to tell a better story.

Let’s move from Excuses to Solutions, Limiting beliefs to Growth mindset.

And let’s watch the language we use to talk about ourselves on a daily basis.

Most of it ends up coming true.

Which means we all have a choice.

What Do You Think About Most Often?


“Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” — Henry Van Dyke

We speak our lives into existence.

Do you ever notice that people with the worst luck are always saying,


Negative self talk starts upstairs.

Even if you’re not a believer in positive psychology, it impacts your reality.

You don’t NEED to believe in gravity to fall off a roof. Same applies here.

Whether we believe or not…

What we think literally shapes our reality.

Take the selective attention test for example…

Our minds are powerful super machines! And we must use them wisely.

Be careful what you think…

Your Thoughts become Your Words.

Be careful what you say…

Your Words become Your Actions.

And be careful what you do…

Your Actions become Your Habits.

And Your Habits shape Your Future.

Reflect on that. 🔑 🔑 🔑

How Do You Perceive The World?


“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” — Earl Nightingale

Vishen Lakhiani is the Founder and CEO of an innovative education company called Mindvalley. One of his core life principles is this idea of BRULES.

Yes, you read that correctly.


Here’s Vishen to break it down for you.

These are the rules society places upon us.

“Go to college and get good grades...”

“You’re 30 now, you should be married with kids…”

“Climb the corporate ladder. Starting your own business is too risky…”


How we see the world impacts how we move through it.

When we live our lives based other people’s idea of success, it’s a recipe for disaster. Life’s too short to play it safe.

Why do we stay in shitty jobs “just to collect a check”?

Start that side hustle. Network your ass off and find something better.

But Anthony, “I just want to pay my bills”.

We’re magnificent human beings capable of amazing feats. We were meant for so much more than “just paying bills”.

So today, consider changing how you see the world…

Decide on gratitude, to be thankful in your own skin.

Decide on possibility, to see a better world than is now.

And Decide on contribution, to help someone else like yourself.

BONUS: Goal Setting Is Keeping You From Achieving What You Want. Try This Instead.

Stuck in a rut? The video and 7 min exercise below can help you get out!

While you’re at it, subscribe to Tech Dirty With Me so I can hear how I might personally help you on your journey! Until next time..✌️🏽✌️🏽✌️🏽



Anthony Holloway

Recruiter. Coach. Chief Editor of @TechDirtyWithMe. altMBA Alumni. StartingBloc Fellow. Math Geek. Foodie.