How To Remove Footer Credits And Encrypted Javascript In Blogger Templates?2 Free Best Tool. — Tech Elucidations

Osama Halari
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2020

Encrypted JavaScript is used to encrypt some lines of the JavaScript code on the webpage, particularly the JavaScript which is used for keeping the credit of the theme.

In the world of blog writing and website designing, there are a lot of platforms from where we create and manage our blog, some of them are free and some of them are paid.

While the one provides better functionality and ease of use, but it is paid while the other is completely free but you don’t get that much features and functionality and have to do all through coding. Blogger is among the latter ones.

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So to help you with it, this is where template designers come in. They design blogger templates and provide most of the aesthetics overhaul and features like Disqus comment integration, fast loading, easily customisable etc.

But these features come with a price tag and on the platform like blogger, people don’t want to spend money as a blogger is free to use and people start from it just because of no investment. It provides free hosting, free subdomain and even free SSL certificate.

But then the designers allowed users to download and use the same template with slightly fewer features and with encrypted javascript and permanent footer credits giving attribution to the designer. In this way, they get fame and backlinks to their website. In this way, they get fame and backlinks to their website.

But later on, people were searching for the methods and ways to remove the footer credit and started to search for many ways to achieve this.

Note:-(You should give proper credits to the particular designer and value their work as they are providing it for free.

There are 2 ways to make this happen.

1]Hide the footer credits by adding a simple code. 2]To remove the encrypted javascript and get rid of the footer credits permanently.

In this post, we are going to talk about the Second and the difficult one removing the encrypted javascript and solving the redirect issue from your website. If you follow the steps correctly then it will be so easy for you to implement it. So read all the points attentively.

What is encrypted javascript?

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Encrypted JavaScript is used to encrypt some lines of the JavaScript code on the webpage, particularly the JavaScript which is used for keeping the credit of the theme. This way they get a backlink to their website through your footer section.

This particular javascript is present in the encoded form and if you remove the full script then some of the functions of your template will misbehave or won’t work at all and the biggest headache is that in most of the templates is whenever any user visits your site then instead he will be redirected to the owner’s website.

So if you have purchased the theme then there’s no problem, you can use it efficiently and it doesn’t have the encrypted javascript in them. But if you are using a free template, then you have come to the right site as I have the easiest method for you.

Note:-Most of the javascript is present at the bottom of the template so try and find them there.Don’t forget to take a backup of your template so you won’t lose any of the data if something goes wrong you can restore the previous version easily.

eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=String;if(!”.replace(/^/,String)){while(c-)r[c]=k[c]||c;k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return’\w+’};c=1};while(c-)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp(‘\b’+e(c)+’\b’,’g’),k[c]);return p}(‘(0(){4 1=”5 6 7 8″;0 2(3){9(3)}2(1)})();’,10,10,’function|b|something|a|var|some|sample|packed|code|alert’.split(‘|’),0,{}))

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  1. Copy the script from your template.
  2. Go to the link:-
  3. Paste the packed script inside it.
  4. Click Unpack
  5. Now again Copy the unpacked script from the results.
  6. Paste that unpacked script in your blogger template replacing the Original packed script. I don’t have the packed script in my template that’s why I am not showing it here.
  7. After replacing the packed script, You will find it easier to locate the copyright footer redirect inside it.
  8. So go ahead and delete that particular section.

Sometimes this encrypted Javascript is inside the function(p,a,c,k,e,d). That means we need to unpack the scripts to decrypt this type of scripts.

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Read also:-

Originally published at on August 12, 2020.



Osama Halari
Editor for

A passionate tech lover.Persuing medical as a career.Loves to write about tech and health related information. You can follow me on X.