Community Spotlight: Sam Harrington

TechEquity Collaborative
TechEquity Collaborative
3 min readJan 9, 2019

Tech workers from across the Bay Area have joined TechEquity’s network and are giving their time, skills, and financial support to make their communities more equitable. We’re proud of our growing community full of smart, passionate, engaged citizens and we want to show them off!

Sam Harrington

Meet Sam

Sam is transitioning to a new role at Asana in January where she will be building out the enablement program for their Customer Operations team. Sam dedicated the first decade of her career to education and youth development. A Bay Area transplant, she moved out to teach high school science in Oakland, then led the Bay Area student admissions program for a national youth development organization called Summer Search. Two years ago, Sam decided to pivot to the software industry and joined SchoolMint to help K-12 school systems streamline and transform their student enrollment processes. Sam gets outside as often as she can and shows up for social justice movements across the Bay.

What is your professional passion these days?

I love supporting people to be their best selves at work. Whether it’s through intentional on-boarding, training, professional development, safe spaces, or casual conversation, I am dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment and removing barriers so my team can bring their full selves to work and focus on what’s most important for them and the company.

What does it mean to you to be a responsible citizen while working in tech?

We need to be aware of the issues affecting our community and be active participants in creating solutions. Countless individuals and organizations have been doing this work for years. We need to show up in a spirit of partnership, allyship, and humility to bridge the gap across industries and ensure progress benefits all.

How has TechEquity impacted civic participation?

After dedicating eight years of my career to direct service, it was critical for me to find a like-minded community in tech. TechEquity provides just that — in the last year, I’ve participated in book club, joined the Giving Circle and Workforce & Labor Committee, and hosted TechEquity at SchoolMint for a Lunch & Learn. That event was the most attended and appreciated session during my time at the company. People are receptive to TechEquity’s inclusive approach to building awareness through education and multiple ways of engagement.

Why is it important for the tech community to become more civically engaged?

The tech community’s success should not come at the expense of the communities already living here. However, if we do not actively pursue policies and strategies to counteract tech’s byproducts, including high cost-of-living and housing shortages, we will continue pushing these communities out. We will lose their rich histories and diverse cultures. We will lose the heart and soul of the Bay Area.

Join supporters like Sam

We are organizing the tech community to advocate for a tech-driven economy in the Bay Area that works for everyone. We believe the tech industry can and should generate widespread opportunity instead of inequality and displacement. Join our growing community today!

