Just Cause Eviction Protections for All Californians

Megan Abell
TechEquity Collaborative
3 min readMay 2, 2018
Bill Author Asm. Bonta and Advocates Celebrate AB 2925’s Victory in Committee

California Assemblyman Rob Bonta introduced AB 2925 to help protect all Californians from baseless and unjust evictions. In the majority of cities across the state, landlords are not required to give any stated reason for eviction. Tenants can be uprooted from their homes with little notice and no good reason. AB 2925 would prevent tenants from arbitrary and unfair evictions practices by requiring that landlords give a Just Cause for eviction.

This week, the bill cleared it’s first hurdle in the legislative process by passing from the Assembly Judiciary Committee with a favorable majority vote. The bill will move next to the Assembly floor, stay tuned for updates about ways to support the bill. The TechEquity Collaborative, Tenants Together, and Filipino Advocates for Justice attended the hearing to provide witness testimony in support. We are proud to have been a part of moving this necessary tenant protection forward.

Asm. Bonta’s Staff Member Tonya Love Thanks Our Partners

We submitted a letter of support to the committee, check it out below:

April 26, 2018
The Honorable Mark Stone
Chair, Judiciary Committee
State Capitol, Room 3146
Sacramento, CA 95814


Dear Assemblymember Stone,

On behalf of the TechEquity Collaborative I am writing to express our strong support for AB 2925, which would prohibit a landlord from terminating a tenancy except upon good cause. Under AB 2925 change of ownership or foreclosure of property would not be deemed good cause for termination.

The TechEquity Collaborative is a membership organization representing thousands of tech workers in the Bay Area who think the tech-driven economy can and should work for everyone. We recognize that the fast growth of our industry has contributed to conditions that are pushing out longtime and vulnerable communities. We feel we have a responsibility to use our voice to advocate for policy that will make it possible for everyone who wants to live in California to access stable housing. That’s the reason we support AB 2925.

AB 2925 will help protect California tenants from living in uncertainty, hoping they are not unjustly evicted from one day to the next. Just-cause eviction policies protect marginalized communities such as the elderly, low-income residents, people of color, and people with disabilities. Just Cause will provide them with stable housing in the midst of a devastating housing crisis.

In 2016 there were 41,178 evictions across California. Every day over 110 families were evicted from their homes. AB 2925 is a vital tool for protecting tenants as California looks for long term solutions to the housing crisis.. The history, culture, and character of our communities suffer when residents live with no security.

With growing housing costs, lack of housing supply, and short eviction notices, finding a new place to live after being evicted is daunting. Families who are evicted can be pushed into homelessness or unstable shelter for months or years following eviction. Requiring Just Cause for eviction will protect tenants from arbitrary, discriminatory or retaliatory evictions.

We are proud to support AB 2925.

Megan Abell
Director of Advocacy and Organizing



Megan Abell
TechEquity Collaborative

Director of Advocacy for TechEquity Collaborative. Urbanism & organizing. Lover of art, design & architecture. In a deeply committed relationship with Oakland.