Local Candidate Questionnaire: Peter Liu, 2018 Candidate for Oakland Mayor

TechEquity Collaborative
TechEquity Collaborative
3 min readSep 18, 2018

Here at TechEquity, we believe that voting down the ballot is crucial for active, local citizenship. While a lot of the national spotlight is on congressional races, there are a multitude of local candidates that have the potential to make significant impacts on your communities.

We’ve reached out to candidates for San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Oakland Mayor, City Councillors of Oakland and Berkeley, and CA State Assemblymembers to answer our five-part questionnaire. Check out our index of the seats on the ballot and the candidates who have responded to our questionnaire.

Below are the questionnaire responses from Peter Liu, 2018 candidate for Oakland Mayor.


We’re a nonpartisan 501c3 non-profit, which means we cannot and do not endorse candidates. With that in mind, we gave every candidate that we could reach an opportunity to fill out our questionnaire.

Displayed are the unedited answers from each candidate as they came to us. We are publishing these questionnaires to educate voters on candidates’ positions; we do not endorse their positions nor statements.

Candidate’s Name:

Peter Y Liu

Office for which Candidate is Seeking Election:


Jurisdiction in which Candidate is Seeking Election:

City of Oakland

Candidate’s Website:


The East Bay has changed drastically as a result of the growth of the tech sector in our region. What role do you think the city should have in attracting companies to our city or in reducing negative effects created by their arrival?

If I am da mayor, we gonna buiild Free citywide wifi so we can checkout hot videos of sexy babes in lingerie workin the tech sextor up in those new high ass buildings. If they arrive looking like Mark Zuckerberg geeks, they’ll be sent packing by the last remaining native Oakland OGs who are passionate about gentrifiers.

The housing crisis is the most urgent issue for our members, and it is TechEquity’s top advocacy priority this year. What is your view on how we can solve the housing crisis and make the Bay Area an affordable place to live for people at all income levels?

THat’s a trick ass question, as a multimillionaire, I might have to find a more affordable place to live unless I am da mayor with free wifi service with a free mansion or condo to stay in. That’s the only reason why I am running.

How will you address the homelessness crisis? Do you think the City’s current budget allocation for homelessness is adequate? What solutions do you think are working, and what else would you implement?

Da POlice will grab some decommissioned AC Transit buses, lure the homeless saying it is free ride one way ride to San Francisco. If they do come back by BART, they’ll likely be arrested for fare evasion and sent off to county jail or deported by ICE if they’re undocumented.

How would you create more stability for renters in our city, especially for low- and middle-income renters?

I can’t even guarantee my own stability, why would I care about renters?? Damn real estate taxes are killing my wallet…unless I am the da mayor with free wifi service while freeloading off of public housing.

How do we modernize the city’s transit and mobility system to accommodate the rapidly-changing needs of the city’s residents?

Bring back the horses, the lime scooters are thrown into the lake by vandals…you can’t treat a horse like that, they’ll kick yo face with their hing legs.

Check out our index of the seats on the ballot and the candidates who have responded to our questionnaire.

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