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Why do Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg want to fight?

Fight Of The Century

Published in
6 min readJul 5, 2023



Elon Musk proposed a cage match to fight Mark Zuckerberg. Dana White confirmed that both guys are dead serious about the fight and would raise hundreds of millions for charity. Who do you think will win?

Why Do They Want To Fight?

It all started with Musk criticising the Instagram parent company Meta and their upcoming Twitter competitor, tweeting that he would be “up for a cage match” with Zuckerberg as a joke.

The two have criticised each other over the years, including about Musk’s SpaceX rockets, data privacy scandals at Meta and more.

During a tweetstorm, Musk removed both of his companies’ Facebook pages after being challenged to do so by…




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