How I Built an AI to Beat Flappy.. Cat?

Kim Huiyeon
Tech Front
Published in
6 min readMay 18, 2020


I was always interested in Artificial Intelligence learning how to play games. From Alpha-Go to simple retro games such as Snake, it was always amusing to see how the AI learns to beat the game. Just having ended my university lift, I decided to start a project to learn how to create my own AI to beat a popular game, Flappy Bird (well, at least popular back in 2013). Of course, Flappy *Bird* is a bit of a cliche, so I added my girlfriend’s cat, Louie, instead.

What is Flappy Bird?

In case some of you never heard of Flappy Bird (which I sort of doubt but I may be wrong), Flappy Bird is a simple game where you have to navigate a Flappy Bird, across some pipes without touching the pipes or the ground. It’s an extremely simple yet annoying game.

Actual Flappy Bird Game

This project had many aspects to it, from building the actual game to coming up with the AI to beat the game. Therefore, I came up with a Four Phase Plan in order to complete this project.

The Four Phase Plan

Phase 1: The Learning…



Kim Huiyeon
Tech Front

Software Developer | Incoming Analyst at Goldman Sachs | Writer