Decorators in Python

Ankit Deshmukh
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2018

Decorator modifies the functionality of another function.

Now, suppose you want to add more functionality to a function, what you will do ?

You will add more coding and will modify the old code and return something or you can create a new function containing old as well as new code.

What if I want to remove that extra functionality ?

You have to delete the part of code or a newly created function and also have to make sure that function is not getting called .

We have better way for this and this is where Decorators come in. Decorators help you to add more functionality to a function. @ operator is used on the top of original function.

adding extra functionality to a function:

def func():
#code part

any_decorator is an extra functionality for function func() and we can easily add extra functionality and to remove that extra functionality, simply remove the @any_decorator line at the top of func().

Before going for Decorators, let’s see some concepts:

functions within functions

def hello(n):

def name():
print('Inside name function...')

name() #calling name function
print('Inside hello function...')

Hello Jose
Inside name function...
Inside hello function...

Here, name() function is inside the hello() function.

returning the functions

def hello(n):

def name():
return 'Inside name function...'

return name

Output:Hello Jose
<function hello.<locals>.name at 0x7f7d3e8c22f0>

Look here, how x is pointing to a inside function, name() . To print, use x() as shown below:

def hello(n):

def name():
return 'Inside name function...'

return name

Output:Hello Jose
Inside name function...

functions as arguments

def hello():
def name(func):


Here, we have passed hello() function as an argument to a name() function and calling the hello function to print the statement.

Let’s create a Decorator:

def some_decorator(func):    def name_func():
print("before executing the func...")
print("after executing the func...")
return name_func
def need_a_decorator():
print("This function need a Decorator to add functionality...")

Let’s call need_a_decorator() function:

This function need a Decorator to add functionality...

I want to add the functionality to the need_a_decorator function. We can pass this function as an argument to a some_decorator() function.

need_a_decorator = some_decorator(need_a_decorator)
before executing the func...
This function need a Decorator to add functionality...
after executing the func...

What happened here ? we have added the functionality to need_a_decorator() function using some_decorator() function by passing it as an argument.

Let’s see how we can rewrite this using @ symbol i.e. Decorator:

def need_a_decorator():
print("This function need a Decorator to add functionality...")
before executing the func...
This function need a Decorator to add functionality...
after executing the func...

Full code here :

def some_decorator(func):def name_func():
print("before executing the func...")
func()print("after executing the func...")return name_func@some_decorator
def need_a_decorator():
print("This function need a Decorator to add functionality...")
before executing the func...
This function need a Decorator to add functionality...
after executing the func...

That’s it!

