Top 10 Data Science Influencers To Follow in 2023

Pavan Yadav
Published in
5 min readJan 5, 2023
A human and a brain with all technologies revolving around.

Data science is an exciting field, and it’s rapidly becoming popular. For beginners, it can be difficult to find the right resources to learn about the subject. This is especially true for those beginners who do not have any experience with data analysis or programming languages like R or Python.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most influential data scientists in today’s industry.

Bernard Marr

Bernard is an international best-selling author, keynote speaker, futurist, and strategic business & technology advisor to governments and companies. He helps businesses improve their performance by using data more intelligently and making them understand the importance of new technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, blockchains, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

He was ranked as one of the world’s top 5 business influencers by LinkedIn in 2015. He contributes to the World Economic Forum and writes a regular column for Forbes magazine. He is one of the world’s most highly respected experts when it comes to business performance, digital transformation, and the intelligent use of data in business.

Hilary Mason

Hilary Mason is a data scientist and former chief data scientist at bitly. She has a Ph.D. in computer science from Columbia University, where she studied under Ken Goldberg.

After graduating, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University before joining Twitter as its first Chief Data Scientist (CDO). In that role, she was responsible for overseeing the company’s analytics efforts and leading product teams through initiatives like measuring content consumption across all platforms.

After leaving Twitter in 2015, Hilary joined Bitly as VP of Analytics while continuing her work on behalf of non-profit organizations such as DataKind; an organization dedicated to improving access to technology within underserved communities through education programs like Hack Day events which teach people how they can build their own solutions using open source tools available online without having any technical background knowledge whatsoever!

David Robinson

David Robinson is a data science pioneer and the founder of three companies: DataRobot, Altair, and Kaggle. He’s an advisor to Data Science Bowl and has been recognized as one of Forbes’ 50 Most Powerful People in Healthcare & Life Science.

He has written several books on machine learning, including Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach which is free online.

Jeroen Janssens

Jeroen Janssens is a data scientist and entrepreneur. He has worked for several companies in the financial sector and now runs his own business.

He has taught at universities such as KU Leuven and Virginia Tech, where he currently teaches with Professor Pawel Krolikowski.

Rachael Tatman, PhD

Rachael Tatman, Ph.D., is a data scientist and machine learning expert. She has a Ph.D. in computational biology from Stanford University and an MS in computer science from Johns Hopkins University. She is currently an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University, teaching courses on bioinformatics, big data analytics, and machine learning.

In addition to being one of the most influential people in Data Science today, Rachael Tatman also co-founded DataLab at Johns Hopkins University, which serves as an incubator for new ideas related to healthcare technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) applications that can help improve health outcomes for people around the world.

Jeremy Howard

Jeremy Howard is the founder of Kaggle, Enlitic, Fast Forward Labs, and Haystack. He also co-founded Ensemble with his brother Oren (another data science influencer).

Jeremy has built Kaggle from scratch into an iconic player in the world of data science competitions. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stanford University, where he studied machine learning algorithms for text categorization tasks using large datasets. Google later adapted his work on multi-task learning algorithms to improve their image search service’s results!

DJ Patil

DJ Patil is a Data Scientist and Entrepreneur. He was the first chief data scientist in the United States and has worked at LinkedIn as a Senior Data Scientist since 2010. He co-founded RelateIQ (acquired by LinkedIn) in 2013, where he was CTO for three years before leaving to join Kaggle in 2017 as CEO.

DJ has published over 100 scientific papers on machine learning algorithms, such as neural networks and deep learning models used in Natural Language Processing (NLP). These papers were written together with his team members at LinkedIn, who are experts in NLP research areas like natural language processing or text analytics using various techniques.

Drew Conway

Drew Conway is a pioneer in the field of data science, having founded two prominent organizations: the Data Science Bowl and Data Science for Social Good at Columbia University. He’s also been featured on The New York Times and CNN and is a host of the R podcast series [R]eply.

He’s written several books on data science, including “Data Science for Business” (2018) and “Big Data Analytics with Python 3: The Definitive Guide” (2017).

Vincent Granville, PhD

Vincent Granville is a professor of data science at the University of California, Berkeley. He also has a Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford University and has worked as an assistant professor at Microsoft Research New England before moving to Berkeley.

His latest book is called Data Science: A Primer for Dummies (Wiley). In it, he describes how to do data analysis using Python with examples from real-life problems that need solving!

Hadley Wickham

Hadley Wickham is a statistician and R programmer. He created several R packages, including ggplot2 and tidyverse. In addition to his work in data science, Hadley also runs the blog site where he shares his thoughts on R and data science as well as other topics related to programming languages and software development.

Final Thoughts

This was all about the top 10 data science influencers in the world that have influenced the field of data science. You might be familiar with some of these influencers or not. Either way, we hope you’ll take the time to learn about them and their work so that you can also become a leader in your field.

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Pavan Yadav

Writer and editor of creative, professional, and digital content related to general technology, travel, and education. 20+ yrs of writing and editing experience