It’s time to start wrapping up your internship. Do it right.

Benjamin Bungert
TechGen Buzz
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2016

You’re almost to that point in your internship where you have to start wrapping up. You’ve been through so much. Interviewing, meeting the team, learning about the company, getting comfortable in your role, learning… and now, the exit.

There’s a particular art to a successful internship exit. When not staying on part time, there are a series of steps you should take to make sure you’re leaving as gracefully as possible. It’s important to realize that though you may have done an amazing job at your internship, the exit is one of the things an employer will remember most. Now, before you have your exit interview (which we’ll cover next week) you’re going to want to do a few things.

Take stock of your projects: If you’ve done a good job, chances are you’ll have your hands in a lot of different places. Make sure you’re aware of everything left to do, everyone who’s relying on you for work and anything else that’s outstanding.

Finish up your projects: Once you know what’s out there, start tying up loose ends. The trick is not taking on any additional work, but finishing up what’s already started. This will mean, meeting with your colleagues, working extra hours (in some cases) and handing off certain projects. Either way, everything you’ve worked on needs to be accounted for and either closed out or passed on.

Document your work and processes: One of THE most important things is documentation. Often, interns will create flows and processes that no one will know about. It’s incredibly important for you to write those processes down and communicate them to your boss so that your replacement can be brought up to speed as quickly as possible. This will also show that you care about the company long term and that it’s not just about a 2–3 month paycheck for you.

Make sure your colleagues don’t need anything from you: This is also really important. Make sure to ask those that you worked with if they need anything before you go. That doesn’t mean new projects. It means sharing information, contacts, documents etc., anything they could need once you’ve left.

At the end of the day you want to leave your company in good graces. EVEN if you hated it. Your network is everything, make sure you can count the company you interned at as “in your corner”. You never know when you’ll need their help.



Benjamin Bungert
TechGen Buzz

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